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Responses: 4
MSgt Operations Intelligence
Corruption runs deep in Biden's circus.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
It sure does. They have only two gods, and they don't value truth: money and power.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Of course. More political liars
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
That's what Progressives, Socialists, and Communists do: lie to get what they want.
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SGT Michael Walker
Funny that some will find whatever they can to bring Biden down, but the other guy they can find no wrong. SMH
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
SGT Michael Walker - “Black people should love me because I have been indicted”! You gave me my best laugh of the day. The first thing you should know about me is nothing is precious to me except my family and friends… some of my family I wouldn’t give you too much for either. :) I should be more for Biden than you, I'm a Democrat, an old time Conservative Democrat, who believes in being generous to a point; the point being not to bankrupt our Country or take any more money from hardworking people. Please let me go through some history with you. I don’t know how old you are so I will stick with modern times:

I listened to all the unintentional lies President Carter, who was a good person, but just believed in theories that didn’t work; he wasn’t a strong leader which is why we didn’t get the Iran Hostages back until President Reagan was elected. Come to think of it is very similar to the weak leadership President Biden has shown letting Russia invade the Ukraine and now trying to stop Israel from finishing off Hamas and stopping Iran. Nothing good for the US is going to happen there until we get a strong capable leader in the White House, Biden isn’t it. The world was on the verge of WW3. I digress.

Reagan came in and through skillful leadership fixed our economy by cutting out our unnecessary spending and got the world back to peace. The Democrats and RINOS hated him because he kept money away from the military complex and special interest. It’s that simple.

President Clinton took office and started spending like a madman so much it scared everyone, and Congress went Republican to stop him. I give him credit because he pivoted and stopped some of the excess spending. Clinton didn’t stop Bosnia from happening and that shouldn’t have been too tough. Clinton then promptly bombed Afghanistan, Sudan, and Yugoslavia because of terrorism, my opinion is because he wanted news to take the heat off the Lewinsky scandal and the charges of him forcing a rape when he was attorney general of Arkansas… but heck, he played a good saxophone.

Little Bush was elected president and shortly after 9-11 happened. That consumed his presidency, I believe he did the best he could. I didn’t like his pandering to the military complex making profits off our wars. I had much respect for his father, very little for him.

President Obama was elected president and we found he wasn’t a strong leader because the “bush league” ISIS became strong and almost took over a continent. I don’t know how President Obama couldn’t dismantle ISIS, but he didn’t, ether from incompetence or maybe he was sympathetic. President Obama really ramped up identity politics and race baiting. I fear our Country will bever be the same after his Administration. While used very sparingly before, President Obama unleashed the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and IRS against his political enemies the way we have never seen in the United States before. We now have so many civil servants who think they are above the law; it isn’t even funny. God help us. Unfortunately, many of the special interest groups President Obama catered to learned they could break the law supporting their political positions, and that law enforcement would not prosecute them. This was truly a dark 8 years for our Country and will be for a very long time if we don’t get it cleaned up.

President Trump was elected, and right off the bat the FBI went after his Administration the way none other in history was gone after. Trump’s NY way of speaking gets him in trouble and allows adversaries to use exact words out of context against him because news media will not correct context… can we sat “Bloodbath”? Heck, he is in court now because a woman signed a nondisclosure agreement that went over the time limit to prosecute. Democratic Prosecutors invented novel ways to refile the old charges as federal violations. I digress again, sorry. Long story short: Trump shut ISIS down, performed economic actions that made our economy very good, and developed a vaccine at “warp speed” to combat a pandemic started by the Chinese. The world was at peace when President Trump left office except for riots started in an attempt to make him look bad before the 2020 election. There was January 6th. President Trump offered federal troops to come in but the people in charge of the Capital Complex security didn’t want the optics of troops being there, so they denied the offered help.

President Biden was elected. He brough in the troops after the emergency was passed and made our capitol look like China or Russia. Two wars started that he could have easily prevented, but he just doesn’t have the tools. There is a ton of other bad stuff that happened, but I won’t go off into the weeds. I can go on a day about him lying, real stuff, not the twisted stuff they accuse Trump of, and then when you investigate accusations against Trump for real… there is nothing there.

Why did I go on and on here? It is simple there is an obvious pattern here: Democrats spend money they don’t have primarily giving to special interest groups that will vote for them; they also start wars by not having enough world experience to keep Socialist and Communist nations in check. Republicans spend freely on everyone, but there are enough of them pointing out our insane debt that can not be sustained; they are also more able to keep the world in a peaceful state through capable strong leadership. Note I say capable because strong alone just doesn’t cut it.

I just like to keep things in true context. Thanks for bearing with me.
SGT Michael Walker
SGT Michael Walker
5 mo
SFC (Join to see) while I agree with the majority of what you say, it is the entire person we are electing as President. Every President is going to have his or her critics. A President is not above the law, actually they should be the person that stands for American Values, not just for some but for all. If we could only take the parts that we like, we can build our own President, but we can’t. As far as the republicans policies, I really do not see the world safer with them in office. I believe it is just the opposite. Just because Trump was a businessman, bankruptcy is his friend, doesn’t mean the he was a great President. He as so great for the economy, yeah right, when I worked for the Department of Interior, when he was in office, we were forced to take money in an effort to bring more money home. Sounds great right, well, we had to pay all the money back a year later. Thanks for helping. Anything that is based on the nazi regime cannot be what is best for our country as well as thwarting the peaceful transition of power. Trump wants to be a dictator like he is in his businesses. You talked about history, but only the bad stuff referring to Dems and the so called good stuff with republicans.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
SGT Michael Walker - I don’t know, I bashed Bush pretty good. :) “Trump wants to be a dictator like he is in his businesses.”… I don’t believe dictator is a good word for what Trump is. It appears Trump learns the rules and then uses them as effectively as he can to gain his objectives, that’s what you do in business. If you remember Afghanistan correctly he had to revise strategy a couple times before he found the right combination to defeat ISIS. I respect that. The first couple tries didn’t work as planned and our actions had to be revised if you recall right. To me that shows a willingness to honestly evaluate a situation and adjust to the conditions and fight toward victory. This indicates a person who is willing to change and adapt to conditions. Does Trump get a lot wrong? Sure. I believe he gets more right than wrong although. At the end of the day the world was at peace when he left office, I’ll leave it at that.

In the history I quoted it seems Democrats always get us into wars. They try something to get us out, and if it doesn’t work: throw their hands up and say “we did the best we can” … well in my book that’s just not good enough. You die that way. That’s one of the generalities my history quotes point out: Typically, Democrats don’t have the tools (experience and/or discipline) to honestly evaluate the situation and stick with it to victory in world affairs. There are many things to look at, probably one of the most important one follows:

Why do you think President Biden put sanctions on Iran and Russia but not to the extent of Iran selling oil? In my view point it’s because they are mixing world peace with Democrat Domestic Policies they want… basically EVs, wind and solar energy, and to kill fossil fuels. In my opinion this is a recipe for disaster.

For better or worse, to successfully obtain their electric policies they need oil to be at a price where gasoline costs about $4.00 to $5.00 per gallon minimum for their electric wants to be in line with costs, to the degree where enough people will buy them. If they can’t get oil and gas prices up that high no one in they right mind will pay two times more for a vehicle that only goes half as far on a charge. The fault in their policies and wants is fuel costs dictate a large portion of food and transportation costs that drive inflation up. Democrats are driving up the cost of fossil fuels to get their way with electricity while the rest of us are having trouble feeding our families. This is why I don’t like them.

Well, I lectured enough for one day as my wife would say. I want to thank you for an enjoyable conversation. It’s not often I find someone on the other side of the fence politically who is willing to talk without getting personal. Thank you. Bernie

PS. You worked in the Department of Interior… God Bless you. I’ve known 2 people who worked in the DOI and none of them lasted long, too much bull. I have worked with many people in OSMRE enough to know they are run by bureaucrats who don’t answer to anyone. That’s one of the reasons they all hated Reagan so much, he rattled their cages and made them stand to. MHO
SGT Michael Walker
SGT Michael Walker
5 mo
SFC (Join to see) I can appreciate what you have posted, and I have to say it is not just some of his policies I disagree with, but it is his character also. You are the leader of the free world, act like it. Some of his actions are so juvenile that I would have either punished or spanked my child for some of the things he has done. We also have to remember that neither Biden or him come up with these policies as they hey have people for that. Attacking the late John McCain was something that is a slap to the face of all Veterans, especially a man that was a POW. These are the things, in my honest opinion, that does not make up for his policies. Hard to say that I disagree with that aspect, but then vote for him. A percentage of people that vote for him consider him to be a deplorable human being, but they want him to be in charge of he free world. The two just don’t add up with the high school and college math. Also taking a slogan that was used by the nazi’s, of course extremist’s are going to love him. All on alll, we are going to vote for who fill will be best for the country, but I am also voting for the person that I would not mind standing up for and appreciates our sacrifices as Veterans. Thank you also for the great conversation.
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