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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
How shall I say this... What a crock of shit! "MAGA Republicans" aren't drafting the military into the culture war. The Progressive Left drafted them with Wokeism. Now, before you dismiss me with a pejorative, I am not a MAGA Republican. I am a citizen of the United States of America with my own opinions. No, I don't get my opinions from any source of broadcast news. I don't waste my time watching any of them. I gather news like a sculptor. I walk around the news, viewing it from all sides, peeling away obvious unfounded opinions and lies until I'm left with a facsimile of reality. The reality of Wokeism is that it is a mob of indoctrinated subjects desperately in search of something to offend them.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
SFC John Davis - I prefer the true and original definition of woke:
"alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination"

I am proud to think of myself as "woke." At least I try to be.
I believe your definition is from some right-winger looking for any label he can twist into some derogatory. (not saying it came from you)
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Article Quote: “Following Trump’s example, they try relentlessly to politicize the U.S. military by forcibly drafting it into their culture wars with vague charges of “wokeness” in order to score partisan points”… Excuse me? It appears this article is nothing more than dogma.

Quote from article I shared: “Leaders want their workforces to reflect the racial, ethnic, gender, socioeconomic, ideological, and generational makeup of society.” It’s obvious Progressive military leaders like General Milley is spearheading the effort to change our military. MHO
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LTC Trent Klug - Progressives always blame others when their warped sense of reality doesn't work the way they envision.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
SFC John Davis - Your opinion. I disagree with it. But those topics have been discussed over and over here, with neither side changing their minds.

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SFC Casey O'Mally
Pretty sure the retired Generals signed a definitively anti-MAGA letter.

Pretty sure the retired Intel officials created a completely erroneous letter - which included retired military folks - which was clearly designed to help Biden and hurt Trump.

Pretty sure current top level defense officials are very clearly on the Biden train and have left any semblance of non-partisanship behind.

Pretty sure the massive purge of officers happened under Obama. While the overwhelming majority appear to have been justified, there was no similar culling under Trump.

If anyone is bringing politics into the military, it is the left.
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Past tense: brought.
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Maj John Bell
Literally the dumbest thing I've read on RP in days. Republicans aren't drafting the US military into tye culture wars. This is the product of the "bad seeds" that President Obama produced in the field grade promotion lists. They've grown to maturity and are now producing rot.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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You got that right.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SFC John Davis Progressives don’t care about the truth. The only thing they care about is winning and they don’t care what they have to do to win. That’s why they are so dangerous.
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