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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
LTC Eugene Chu 45's headed to prison...
SSgt Salvador Martinez
SSgt Salvador Martinez
1 y
Whenever Biden's dirty laundry is exposed, there goes the left making shit up.
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
He is the only one who has taken the time to meet with Kim Jong Un and the only one Who has met with at the N. Korean border and actually crossed over into N. Korea... Progres had been made. Politicians one both sides of the aisle should give him credit for that IMHO!!!
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney During Trumps administration, what happened that hadn't ever happened before? They actually met and talked. Has Biden done that? Did Obama, Clinton, Bush, or any other president do that? Nope.

But you'll support 'tough guy' Biden whose getting run over by China.
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - You asked what about the Progress former President Trump made: Here is a MILD retort: Former President Trump made the political and governmental moves to get talks going with North Korea's Kim Jong Un... The action dialog began and things were moving along well... Trump's meetings with Kim were going pretty well and Trump even met him on the Korean 38th parallel border and stepped into North Korea with Kim! What other President has done that? President Biden, for one, has done nothing in that area! IMHO, Trump was the consummate arbiter with Kim Jong Un, using articulate diplomacy to move the relationship forward... He did get Kim to pull back and stop the missile firings, but when the new administration was elected and our new President failed to continue the talks with Kim Jong Un, immediately Kim Jong Un took the position of a powerful nuclear adversary and began firing more test missiles and his military might has grown stronger! China backs NK and China has become a critical adversary...
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - President Trump legitimized a tin pot dictator and gave him more relevance and attention than he deserved. Perhaps you feel appeasing people like Kim Jung and the like is the way to go. I do not. Trump certainly didn't lift North Korea up and affect any positive change. He only succeeded in lowering our country by stooping to provide recognition and borderline adulation while nearly fracturing a long standing relationship with South Korea with his antics.

Now, you may say we had to engage North Korea like that because they are a nuclear power. So do you think that will incentive other regimes to obtain nuclear weapons or give up nuclear weapons? If you said try as hard as they can to get nuclear weapons to be on par with the United States, you are absolutely right. Trump's actions incentivized adversaries to pursue nuclear weapons, because if you have nuclear weapons, apparently the United States WILL negotiate with dictators and terrorists. By your logic, once Iran obtains a nuclear weapon, well then we will just have to send the President to visit and write Ali Khameni love letters.
SSgt Salvador Martinez
SSgt Salvador Martinez
1 y
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