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Responses: 4
MSG Stan Hutchison
I would imagine much the same was said in 1948.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
How is it not? I mean really the definition of a social experiment is: "a type of research done in fields like psychology or sociology to see how people behave in certain situations or how they respond to particular policies or programs." Where else can you take people from all different ethnic groups, religious backgrounds, non religious backgrounds, national origins, gender, race etc, put them together and then expect them to learn how to be a cohesive organization? They literally put all these types of people together in stressful situations for what is it 11 weeks now in most all basic and then try to get people to overcome all that to work together as a fighting force. What else would you call that? Where else are you going to get that kind of sampling of society all in one place?

What makes this guy an expert on anything to do with social experiments or psychology? He happened to be the guy who put a bullet in bin Laden. Oooh. Big deal. That doesn't make him an authority on anything other than shooting people.

People didn't want to integrate blacks and whites into the military either. Or women. Or repeal DADT. Oh do I remember the uproar over repealing DADT -- there's still posts on this forum about it.
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SSG Dennis R.
Black soldiers in the Civil War. Women in uniform. The Tuskegee Airmen. Integrating the military. A co-ed military. An all volunteer force. What are each of these if not social experiments?
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