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Responses: 4
PO3 Shayne Seibert
Sounds like a terrorist organization to me. Secret Societies have no business being in K-12 school systems.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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From what I’ve personally seen with my grandchildren it’s not so much a Secret Society as it’s a double identity. Outside the classroom they market the Gay-Straight Alliance as a tolerant understanding of people who are different that you. Inside the classroom they bombard children’s minds with LGBTQ dogma under the creed of this “knowledge about everything is good” without taking into consideration that the minds they are filling are not mature enough yet to make life changing decisions. It sort of reminds me of what knowledge did to Adam and Eve.
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LTC Trent Klug
It's time for firings and recalls.
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You got that right sir!
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CPO David R. D.
Parents have to be diligently involved, these days, with their kids' education, especially if they attend public school. All of my grandchildren are or will be home schooled (one of my granddaughters is two weeks old). They definitely learn Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Science, History, and other topics that I was accustomed to 40 years ago. They also benefit from our employment. My son-in-law is a programmer, which means my 11 year old, who types very well, is learning computer programming as well. He's already developed a basic game, by writing it's code.
Living on a small family farm, my grandkids also learn about "animal science", gardening, and the importance of respecting nature. They also understand that food comes from animals and plants, not a box at the grocery store.
Even though I wasn't homeschooled, I see the value in it every day, in today's society.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Unfortunately parents these days need to be more than diligently involved with their children’s lives, they need to have a trusting relationship where their children will tell them “every little thing” that goes on in school. It is my opinion children don’t even realize they are being indoctrinated because it’s done so gradually under the guise of “hey this is just information you should know”. What child doesn’t believe they are grown up enough to make decisions for themselves? When the covid lockdowns came and I was able to see all the photocopied material/worksheets given to children with everything from math problems that had obscene objects in mathematic concepts, to inappropriate concepts a Socialist Nature being taught to children in civics that reinforced the Socialist spin they would see on mainstream news. The Superintendent, Director of Curriculum, and teachers that push these Socialist and Woke concepts do so in a way that, if you question them about it, they just say “Hey we’re teaching your kid about life”. That’s when I’ve said “That’s my job to teach them about life, it’s your job to teach them neutral education that doesn’t push and political agendas.

I suppose at the end of the day that’s the takeaway: “neutral” education that we must call them on. It’s sad our society has gone this way of indoctrinating our children.
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