Posted on May 4, 2023
White House Announces Illegal Immigration Has Decreased 90 Percent Since They Redefined It
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 6
SFC Casey O'Mally
Pakistan was smart enough to realize when she was going to be forced to tell easily caught out lies, so she would promise to "circle back" (and never actually do the circling) to avoid getting Doocy'ed. Psaki's lies took a bit more time to unravel - or she just stonewalled (but did so ever so politely so that when journalists pressed, THEY looked like the bad guy). A lot fewer embarrassing moments.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally Really RP? Psaki = Pakistan? I really need to double check my entries before I hit 'post.'
Maj Robert Thornton
SFC Casey O'Mally you just never know what the autocorrect is going to do once you hit post! Sometimes it is my typo, but not all the time.
I get a kick out of all the people that lamented Trump’s lies are strangely silent on Joe and the White House. When Joe says “ not a joke” he is correct, it is usually a lie! It would be nice to tally Joe’s lies like Trump’s were. It is sad when satire is closer to the truth than the mainstream media “ news” stories.
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