Posted on Apr 21, 2023
Ex-CIA Official: Biden Campaign Behind Letter Framing Hunter Biden Laptop Story as Russian...
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
This is so sordid. These 51 intel people traded their good names to deceive the American people.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
They need to be charged for election interference. Ditto Zuckerburg and the former Twitter CEO.
LTC David Brown
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - no, they expressed an opinion, their right, but people need to forever, from this day forward, reject their advice and council for they traded their good name to deceive.
LTC Trent Klug
I would argue that James Clapper and John Brennan lost their "good name" when they lied under oath to Congress.
With the stuff he used, can anyone say he has more than 2 brain cells left?
Okay, who here in the room is actually surprised by this? Bueller? Bueller?
The gullibility of Americans to believe 'experts' was used to great effect by the Biden campaign.
They learned exponentially from the Bush forged document which was only exposed because the font hadn't been created until the 80's; the lies about Romney unpaid taxes statement, then all the lies regarding Trump.
The gullibility of Americans was exacerbated by the media. Fortunately, I think the covid lies have made people less susceptible to the current batch of lying by Biden.
The gullibility of Americans to believe 'experts' was used to great effect by the Biden campaign.
They learned exponentially from the Bush forged document which was only exposed because the font hadn't been created until the 80's; the lies about Romney unpaid taxes statement, then all the lies regarding Trump.
The gullibility of Americans was exacerbated by the media. Fortunately, I think the covid lies have made people less susceptible to the current batch of lying by Biden.
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