Posted on Apr 14, 2023
'The White Papers': Exclusive report challenges Ukrainian tactics used against Russia
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
Ukraine has become a slush fund for governments around the world. Their troops have done an amazing job in thwarting Russian advances, but it's basically just buying time until the rest of the world "Might" come to their aid. I don't think that Ukraine can win, no matter how much we send them, without help militarily. But, they are bleeding Russian stocks and materiel. If this war proves anything, is that Russia is nothing without their nuclear arsenal. They are afraid to use their newest fighters and tanks because they will be either too costly to lose or prove that they are inferior. They have used their hypersonic missiles basically as proof of concept in the war, but numbers matter more than the propaganda value of this new platform.
PO3 Shayne Seibert
I know losses on both sides have been huge and way under represented. Russia has the ability to ramp up production, but can they keep up with the ready stocks that the rest of the world is supplying Ukraine with?
I really don't see a way this doesn't end well for anyone. Ukraine bleeding Russia shows that it can be done. Russia will only bleed for so long before they change the game. Ukraine has used the trench warfare very well in keeping Russia confined to the Donbass region. Nobody thought it possible to stop the march of Russia's military, but they have done a good job of that.
I think their plans of a counter offensive is likely a bad move, as it will further deplete their troops in an effort that is mainly for propaganda purposes. If it works, they get to put their flag back in Crimea. If it fails, they lose thousands of troops in a lost cause.
I really don't see a way this doesn't end well for anyone. Ukraine bleeding Russia shows that it can be done. Russia will only bleed for so long before they change the game. Ukraine has used the trench warfare very well in keeping Russia confined to the Donbass region. Nobody thought it possible to stop the march of Russia's military, but they have done a good job of that.
I think their plans of a counter offensive is likely a bad move, as it will further deplete their troops in an effort that is mainly for propaganda purposes. If it works, they get to put their flag back in Crimea. If it fails, they lose thousands of troops in a lost cause.
CPT Lawrence Cable
PO3 Shayne Seibert - First a comment, the "Rest of the World" doesn't give a shit about Ukraine, look at the fact that only Western Europe and North America (-Mexico) are in any shape enforcing the sanctions. Second, apparently the NATO West doesn't have the replacement capabilities that the Russians were able to marshal rather quickly and have drained all the pre positioned stocks in Europe to the point it effects readiness of the units. I don't think that the US or NATO has the industrial capacity to move to wartime production schedule in a timely manner.
I don't think that Ukraine has enough troops left to mount an real counter-offensive. Those that are guesstimating Russian casualties seem to overlook that the Russians are firing at least 5 artillery rounds or missiles to every 1 the Ukrainian fire. In a war guided but satellite and drone surveillance, that means that the side firing the most is inflicting the most damage.
The Russians won't let the Crimea go back, I think that would push them to use nukes if it happened.
I don't have cards in this game and try to look at the most reliable information available. However, Ukraine made the birthday of Shepan Bandera a national holiday, which puts them on my naughty list.
I don't think that Ukraine has enough troops left to mount an real counter-offensive. Those that are guesstimating Russian casualties seem to overlook that the Russians are firing at least 5 artillery rounds or missiles to every 1 the Ukrainian fire. In a war guided but satellite and drone surveillance, that means that the side firing the most is inflicting the most damage.
The Russians won't let the Crimea go back, I think that would push them to use nukes if it happened.
I don't have cards in this game and try to look at the most reliable information available. However, Ukraine made the birthday of Shepan Bandera a national holiday, which puts them on my naughty list.
CPT Lawrence Cable
Lionized as a nationalist hero in Ukraine, Stepan Bandera was a Nazi sympathizer who left behind a horrific legacy.
PO3 Shayne Seibert
Canonizing a guy that has been dead for decades isn't necessarily indicative of where they are as a country now. That really is a weak reason to put them on a naughty list. Yeah they have their "brown shirts" or whatever they want to call them as enforcers, but that's an eastern bloc issue.
I don't disagree that russia would probably go nuclear if they lost crimea, which is why i said that it would be a propaganda win and that would the the only positive of it happening.
The focus is keeping the war going long enough to get Russia to escalate to a point where global war is unavoidable.
That's my simplistic view on it.
I don't disagree that russia would probably go nuclear if they lost crimea, which is why i said that it would be a propaganda win and that would the the only positive of it happening.
The focus is keeping the war going long enough to get Russia to escalate to a point where global war is unavoidable.
That's my simplistic view on it.
You watch, the Restrict Act will get a new lease on life and be passed by Congress because of this 'leak'.
“Too bad that we couldn't claw back the $360 billion that's more like 1.2 trillion dollars from the Inflation Reduction Act hidden climate change agenda used to bribe other countries to switch over to clean energy or to buy green energy Hardware made in China and take that money to replenish our depleted ammunition Supply. President Biden and his inept government wants to bribe countries the change over to Green energy … I think it's more like President Biden and his minions themselves are a threat to society as We Know it. When in a bad peace, prepare for war and don't worry about climate also known as global warming and marketed and repackaged to scare you as a climate emergency, a nuclear war will bring climate change automatically and we don't want that…”
Well said, LTC (Join to see) . Also concerning the Ukraine-Russia situation and our very expensive and great involvement in it, I’ve come to think of this as a false flag which is distracting from bigger things being put in place.
Well said, LTC (Join to see) . Also concerning the Ukraine-Russia situation and our very expensive and great involvement in it, I’ve come to think of this as a false flag which is distracting from bigger things being put in place.
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