Posted on Mar 28, 2023
Jason Chaffetz Goes OFF on ‘Absolutely Horrific!’ Trump Sitdown With Hannity: ‘Worst Interview I’...
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
Several things for me:
1.) I never liked Donald Trump as he simply cannot keep his mouth shut. As President of the US there should be some discretion in your conversations. Even though I did not care for him I simply could not vote for Hillary (too much baggage) and Biden...lifelong politician that has changed his mind multiple times on multiple issues over his 40 year time in Washington...thought he would do the same as President...he hasn't...he has done worse than I expected. I at one time thought he was a good man but Pandoras lid is opening and more and more crap is coming out.
2.) Trump, partly on him but mostly on the Democrats, they have gone after him since day one because he was open and called them out...both sides He has been chased and attacked more than any other president in relative recent history that I can remember. They have gone after him personally and professionally for everything and so far nothing has stuck...vitriolic politics. They stayed on him somuch that 4 years of legislation went by and because of the full frontal attack on Trump nothing and I mean nothing got doen i congress...eve afterhe left. He did what he said he was gonna do in the White House. Whether or not you agreed with them he did exactly what he said he was going to do. That is what pissed the career politicians off...actually following through with a campaign promise.
3.) I hope he doesn't make the cut this next time. If the Dems actually put someone up that can and will reach across the aisles (not a Clinton fan but he did make attempts to do so) I might be inclined to vote for them but I just cannot vote for Biden and Kamalama ding dong. It is no secret that I lean right. But I have been a middle of the road vote for who best aligns with my beliefs kind of voter but I jsut cannot bring myself to vote for the Dem party of today. They are in full attack mode instead of doing the work they were sent there to do. Prime example is Bennie Thompson from Mississippi.
BUT in interviews like this it is time to present more Presidential...drop the woe is me card and start talking about what you are going to do when put back in office versus they are after me approach.
1.) I never liked Donald Trump as he simply cannot keep his mouth shut. As President of the US there should be some discretion in your conversations. Even though I did not care for him I simply could not vote for Hillary (too much baggage) and Biden...lifelong politician that has changed his mind multiple times on multiple issues over his 40 year time in Washington...thought he would do the same as President...he hasn't...he has done worse than I expected. I at one time thought he was a good man but Pandoras lid is opening and more and more crap is coming out.
2.) Trump, partly on him but mostly on the Democrats, they have gone after him since day one because he was open and called them out...both sides He has been chased and attacked more than any other president in relative recent history that I can remember. They have gone after him personally and professionally for everything and so far nothing has stuck...vitriolic politics. They stayed on him somuch that 4 years of legislation went by and because of the full frontal attack on Trump nothing and I mean nothing got doen i congress...eve afterhe left. He did what he said he was gonna do in the White House. Whether or not you agreed with them he did exactly what he said he was going to do. That is what pissed the career politicians off...actually following through with a campaign promise.
3.) I hope he doesn't make the cut this next time. If the Dems actually put someone up that can and will reach across the aisles (not a Clinton fan but he did make attempts to do so) I might be inclined to vote for them but I just cannot vote for Biden and Kamalama ding dong. It is no secret that I lean right. But I have been a middle of the road vote for who best aligns with my beliefs kind of voter but I jsut cannot bring myself to vote for the Dem party of today. They are in full attack mode instead of doing the work they were sent there to do. Prime example is Bennie Thompson from Mississippi.
BUT in interviews like this it is time to present more Presidential...drop the woe is me card and start talking about what you are going to do when put back in office versus they are after me approach.
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