Posted on Mar 9, 2023
GOP-led Kansas Legislature votes to ban transgender athletes from girls' and women's sports
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
It's really sad when mediocre male athletes go transgender to beat women in sports.
They should participate in their own transgender category. If I was able to go transgender back when I was in high school track (if the late 1970s was as bizarre as 2023), I would have been a League champion in the 1 mile/1600 meter run because the fastest man was 30-40 seconds faster than female athletes. I admit I was a mediocre athlete running a 4:55 mile. Our fastest female at JFK High School in La Palma, California ran the same time that I did. She became our High School league champion in the 1 and 2-mile run.
Yesterday, I heard on Fox News (Sirius XM Radio) a female athlete almost in tears say that she is being threatened by the college campus to accept seeing naked transgender males with male genitalia in her locker room and she couldn't say anything about it.
The school administrators emphasized her College education would be ruined if she spoke up.
Today's left is so worried about 'inclusion' that they intend to destroy the careers of people who stand up and protest this sick phenomenon/injustice of today.
The social justice Warriors including the faculty members of those left-leaning colleges should care more about biological females who have a lot to lose because of the stupid 'inclusion' mandate of today's left.
Certain progressives are going to attack me on this but what do you say when Caitlyn Jenner, the former gold medal-winning triathlon Olympic champion from 1976 who later became a female, thinks it's unfair for transgender biological male athletes to compete in women's sports and they have an unfair advantage because their muscle mass will always be bigger and they will always have an advantage over biological females?
From my own personal experience as a mediocre athlete in high school, it would be unfair for me to be able to beat females in track and field just because I had an epiphany one day and I wanted to be transgender.
It's really sad when mediocre male athletes go transgender to beat women in sports.
They should participate in their own transgender category. If I was able to go transgender back when I was in high school track (if the late 1970s was as bizarre as 2023), I would have been a League champion in the 1 mile/1600 meter run because the fastest man was 30-40 seconds faster than female athletes. I admit I was a mediocre athlete running a 4:55 mile. Our fastest female at JFK High School in La Palma, California ran the same time that I did. She became our High School league champion in the 1 and 2-mile run.
Yesterday, I heard on Fox News (Sirius XM Radio) a female athlete almost in tears say that she is being threatened by the college campus to accept seeing naked transgender males with male genitalia in her locker room and she couldn't say anything about it.
The school administrators emphasized her College education would be ruined if she spoke up.
Today's left is so worried about 'inclusion' that they intend to destroy the careers of people who stand up and protest this sick phenomenon/injustice of today.
The social justice Warriors including the faculty members of those left-leaning colleges should care more about biological females who have a lot to lose because of the stupid 'inclusion' mandate of today's left.
Certain progressives are going to attack me on this but what do you say when Caitlyn Jenner, the former gold medal-winning triathlon Olympic champion from 1976 who later became a female, thinks it's unfair for transgender biological male athletes to compete in women's sports and they have an unfair advantage because their muscle mass will always be bigger and they will always have an advantage over biological females?
From my own personal experience as a mediocre athlete in high school, it would be unfair for me to be able to beat females in track and field just because I had an epiphany one day and I wanted to be transgender.
Demonstrators protest NCAA's transgender athlete inclusion
The NCAA has permitted transgender athletes to compete since 2010, but the college sports association adopted a sport-by-sport approach last year.
LTC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) a woman does not have nuts or had nuts removed and I'm not talking about ovaries, I'm talking testicles and penis.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) you are cannon fodder for political cartoon people making fun of the people who are being inclusive of transgender and exclusive of real females competing in sports. So much for diversity, inclusion and equity when those transgender females with male lung capacity, male upper body strength, and male muscle mass. It's really funny is if you did a forensic study of a transgender person who happened to die in a landslide and was found thousands of years later, they would say he was a male!
I'm thinking more of a scene with Charlton Heston and Cornelius from the original Planet of the Apes movie finding an archaeological site and discussing what they found. LOL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
I'm thinking more of a scene with Charlton Heston and Cornelius from the original Planet of the Apes movie finding an archaeological site and discussing what they found. LOL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see)
You sound like the Lady Gaga song!
Idaho school board shuts down concerned parents on transgender locker room policy [login to see] 112
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
It's ironic when the term inclusive means Draconian and forces everybody else to conform when the real bio little girl has the right to not be traumatized. Here in canada, Canadian Indians were abused and forced to cut their hair, give up their language, they were sexually abused some of them were murdered and they were forced to learn English and learn the white way which was against their culture. This is how it sounds when you put these weirdo transgender people walking around with their penis forcing females in their locker to just go along to get along and have post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives. You're putting the same kids who want to have privacy and have them traumatized lifelong just for 1% of the population that feels they should be female when they are actually bio males.
The diversity, inclusion and equity goes to the extreme and the majority lose. This is the William Shatner weirder what going to the extreme and people are pushing back! We have Governors and others that are going to the school boards and you have attorney general Garland considering them to be domestic terrorists because they don't follow the crazy agenda. Is ironic that the Attorney General will follow parents who push back instead of going after ms-13, and other dangerous terrorist groups within the USA but instead goes after people like these.
Idaho school board shuts down concerned parents on transgender locker room policy [login to see] 112
You sound like the Lady Gaga song!
Idaho school board shuts down concerned parents on transgender locker room policy [login to see] 112
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Bernard Walko SFC Kelly Fuerhoff SGT (Join to see)
It's ironic when the term inclusive means Draconian and forces everybody else to conform when the real bio little girl has the right to not be traumatized. Here in canada, Canadian Indians were abused and forced to cut their hair, give up their language, they were sexually abused some of them were murdered and they were forced to learn English and learn the white way which was against their culture. This is how it sounds when you put these weirdo transgender people walking around with their penis forcing females in their locker to just go along to get along and have post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives. You're putting the same kids who want to have privacy and have them traumatized lifelong just for 1% of the population that feels they should be female when they are actually bio males.
The diversity, inclusion and equity goes to the extreme and the majority lose. This is the William Shatner weirder what going to the extreme and people are pushing back! We have Governors and others that are going to the school boards and you have attorney general Garland considering them to be domestic terrorists because they don't follow the crazy agenda. Is ironic that the Attorney General will follow parents who push back instead of going after ms-13, and other dangerous terrorist groups within the USA but instead goes after people like these.
Idaho school board shuts down concerned parents on transgender locker room policy [login to see] 112
Idaho school board shuts down concerned parents on transgender locker room policy | Fox News...
Caldwell School District mom Brittany Gish, her daughter Gianna and Idaho State GOP Sen. Chris Trakel express outrage over a proposed policy that allows biological boys in girls' locker rooms.
Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental illness that is being exploited by liberals for two reason, first to cause societal chaos and sexual exploitation.
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