Posted on Mar 7, 2023
Angela Davis' Ancestors Came Here on the Mayflower | Frontpage Mag
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
When I heard this, I laughed that deep guttural 'gotcha' laugh. Hoist by her own DNA she was.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Exactly so! I recently discovered I'm descended from a long line my mother once heard . . .
Boy did that hit a nerve. It is fun to watch. Does she owe reparations? Hahaha
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
If not, she should. My first wife was a classic mulatta: pure white despite having a German mother who married a black soldier in 1946. That makes my kids "quadroons"!
I enjoy watching "Finding Your Roots" and how the guests react to surprises. Most find depth of personal meaning in whatever comes up. No doubt Dr. Gates point was made by focusing on her illustrious ancestor rather than her cognitive dissonant politic!
I thought the Pharrell Williams episode recently was excellent.
I thought the Pharrell Williams episode recently was excellent.
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