Posted on Feb 17, 2023
Unless most people get an annual COVID vaccine, tens of thousands will die in the U.S. each year,...
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 2
Bull shit.
Look at Africa. Low Vax rate, RADICALLY low booster rate. And lower death rates than most of the "developed" world.
Fear mongering, bull shit, and big pharma greed all rolled together.
Look at Africa. Low Vax rate, RADICALLY low booster rate. And lower death rates than most of the "developed" world.
Fear mongering, bull shit, and big pharma greed all rolled together.
LTC Eugene Chu
African countries may have underreported COVID infections and deaths.
African Morgue Data Reveals A More Significant Covid-19 Death Toll Than Official Reporting
A new study led by Boston University School of Public Health researchers suggests that the reported Covid-19 death toll in Africa is substantially higher than official records indicate.
SFC Casey O'Mally
LTC Eugene Chu wild leaps of conjecture. Died WITH COVID is nowhere near the same as died FROM COVID. Additionally, we now know that PCR tests are not quite as accurate as portrayed.
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