Posted on Feb 14, 2023
LARRY KUDLOW: Biden's economic vision is an unlimited welfare state
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
Virtually, the entire democrat party is Bernie Sanders. They'll spend other people's money without a thought or care of what it will do to the taxpayer. They keep saying we can afford another nickel here, or a dime there. We'll that may have been true 20 plus years ago, but not now. Everything, and I mean everything, is an issue and it can only be solved by throwing taxpayer money after it. Regardless of the cost.
LTC (Join to see)
I know that a reanimated JFK and a President Clinton from the year 1996 would be scolding Democrats big time. They would be freaking pissed off!
LTC Eugene Chu LTC Trent Klug
LTC Eugene Chu LTC Trent Klug
Pay your own way. No one should have to give to another person if they don't want to do so through the government or otherwise. But, you should be able to give all you have to whomever you choose.
"Welfare" can be interpreted in different ways
Trump Doesn’t Hate Welfare When It Goes to Wealthy White Farmers
The president’s farm aid lays bare the racial and class implications of his disdain of government assistance.
LTC (Join to see)
What Larry Kudlow means is when you can buy food with Medicare and there's no income requirements. Welfare is when child tax credit given to couples who don't work. That's part of the reason why we have millions who don't want to work because the government is paying them to stay home.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
LTC (Join to see)
President Trump made a mistake trying to punish China and help American farmers. This person who wrote this article is like Joy Reid. When she sees White flags and pick up trucks she thinks of white supremacy.
With President Biden spending like a drunken sailor, pretty soon our interest rate will be bigger than the Department of Defense yearly budget. If you really want to talk about irresponsibility, what about the student loan forgiveness which is supposed to be up to $900 billion dollars for giving those who can already pay and there is no equity because what about those who already paid off their student debt? By postponing the student debt we are losing 4 billion dollars a month. President Biden does everything wrong!
President Biden is actually the new Bernie Sanders!
LTC Eugene Chu
Here is another example of fraud waste and abuse just from the original covid relief bill which was 9% related to covid. Just like the inflation reduction act just passed recently has 360 billion dollars for the green New Deal and has hidden in it 87,000 IRS agents but it's nothing to do with lowering inflation.
Inflation may be down slightly today but it was 1.3% when President Trump took office but that's what happens when you inject 5 trillion dollars into the economy that wasn't needed!
With President Biden spending like a drunken sailor, pretty soon our interest rate will be bigger than the Department of Defense yearly budget. If you really want to talk about irresponsibility, what about the student loan forgiveness which is supposed to be up to $900 billion dollars for giving those who can already pay and there is no equity because what about those who already paid off their student debt? By postponing the student debt we are losing 4 billion dollars a month. President Biden does everything wrong!
President Biden is actually the new Bernie Sanders!
LTC Eugene Chu
Here is another example of fraud waste and abuse just from the original covid relief bill which was 9% related to covid. Just like the inflation reduction act just passed recently has 360 billion dollars for the green New Deal and has hidden in it 87,000 IRS agents but it's nothing to do with lowering inflation.
Inflation may be down slightly today but it was 1.3% when President Trump took office but that's what happens when you inject 5 trillion dollars into the economy that wasn't needed!
Who is the American farmer? - USAFacts
3.4 million agricultural producers, most over the age of 55, work America's agriculture.
SFC Casey O'Mally
Wait... so the majority of the aid went to white folks? Oh, yeah... farmers are 96% white. Duh!
But 54% went to the top 10% in size? Damn, that's horrible. What's that? Oh, really? The top FOUR precent of farms have over 57% of the land? And they employ a crap ton of workers to whom a lot of that aid ACTUALLY went?
Gosh, I guess LTC Eugene Chu and his article have no merit then.
But 54% went to the top 10% in size? Damn, that's horrible. What's that? Oh, really? The top FOUR precent of farms have over 57% of the land? And they employ a crap ton of workers to whom a lot of that aid ACTUALLY went?
Gosh, I guess LTC Eugene Chu and his article have no merit then.
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