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Responses: 7
SPC Gary C.
Wouldn't surprise me if he did that during the State of the Union.
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LTC Trent Klug
Biden surrendered to Chinese money a long time ago. It went to the same bank where the Ukranian money went.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
Exactly so.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
I take it you guys don’t appreciate his blundering dialog and mannerisms, his inability to articulate most anything unless he is yelling at his audience. And there is his smug attitude when hit with real questions by the press. And finally, the way he blames his predecessor and anyone associated with him for all of the nations woes.

I know for sure having served in the miltary, the public sector and the private sector that I would have been bounced from leadership roles had I blamed all failures under my preview on my predisessor more than about a week, especially if my condemnation didn’t come with a detailed resolution.

Thank you Mr. President for your outstanding leadership!
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
>1 y
" the way he blames his predecessor" He learned that from his old boss, obozo blamed Bush almost everyday the first four years, and IIRC he still blamed Bush here & there in the second four.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
MAJ Roland McDonald - 'Perzactlyy. Compare her to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, one of the best press secretaries in recent memory. She gave a great rebuttal speech to Biden's SOTU tonight. . . .
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
>1 y
SPC Gary C. During that period I was still active an stationed in Germany. Out of respect as then (CINC) President I would never speak out against or even discuss politics at while serving. And having only one tv channel it made it easy for me to ignore subject matter. Turn off the TV, and turn the page on the news paper.

Life was easy then. Now I have to read and listen in order to make the crucial decision on voting. Also to know and understand each issue/law or policy.

I do not stand solidly with any one group, well there are only two, If the issue is best for the country based on informed decisions as opposed to being based on the party line.

Leaders do not blame other people. Sadly our President blames his predecessor daily, including policy that does effect issues that require a great deal of time to right the ship if effective.

Have to give him credit, he is quick; quick to shift blame, and quick to take credit. What’s it Gonna be Boy.

SrA Anthony Smith
SrA Anthony Smith
1 y
Debauchery at its finest
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