Good afternoon, Rallyooint, and welcome to the January 28th edition of Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD): "Comet ZTF over Mount Etna." Before you think that you're missing something in the's APOD is a result of both art and science. This is a composite image of both Mount Etna and Comet ZTF. Our intrepid astrophotographer, armed only with his camera, binoculars, and a heavy coat (it was only 17 degrees the night he took these pictures), brings us a dramatic result. I'll leave you with his personal observations on this photograph:
"The landscape, however, was breathtaking: an expanse of soft snow disturbed only by a few fox and rabbit prints. The branches of the trees bent to the weight of the snow but, above all, the crater [facing] South East was totally covered with snow."
Breathtaking. Sums it up quite nicely.