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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Exactly. Nancy P started this and now they are paying the price.
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I can't believe Schiff is crying about this, he is a person who obviously shouldn't have a security clearance, let alone be seated on the National Security Committee.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Good on them
I love to see Adam Schiff fade into obscurity. And I would really love to see Omar deported for anti-American activities. Let her pull her normal shit in Somalia and see how it works for her.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Although I see no one coming to their defense in this thread, let's not forget in this climate of mishandling classified information by high level officials, each of these people have significant issues to which the House Democrats have failed to address. The same ones who will jump on any indicator (as benign or weak it may be) of Trump/Russia connections in order to claim he's working with them. For each individual below transverse their name with Trump and tell me the Democrats wouldn't say anything.

Rep Schiff - Where do we start? The man literally used his access to the intelligence community to make grand claims that he has the intelligence supporting clear collaboration between the Russian Government and President Trump for the 2016 election. It was a lie. His official statements enabled countless investigations and a waste of taxpayer money, weaponizing his position on the Intelligence Committee for nothing more than political power for himself and his party. Since the House Democrats did not have the balls to condemn these actions and remove him from the committee, McCarthy had no choice but to do so himself. Schiff's priorities are not with enabling the Intelligence Community or protecting this nation. It was about using it for political power.

Rep Swalwell - Seriously... The man allowed a Chinese spy to place an intern on his staff, met with the spy, and received financial support through that spy. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but something like this would have placed any of us through all new security investigations and we would likely never be allowed to access sensitive information again. Again the Democrats in the House failed act appropriately here, leaving him on a very sensitive committee entrusted with protecting highly classified information.

Rep Omar - Recently serving on the Foreign Affairs Committee, has been banned from an allied nation (Israel) for her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments. Seems good enough reason to me to place her on the sidelines vs being a part of our foreign affairs. But again, the House Democrats would not act on these realities.

Now, insert the name Trump for all three of these people here and what would the House Democrat position be then?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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These people are so mean, petty, and vindictive; they have no redeeming social value.
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