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Responses: 2
LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
My questions are, who, found the Documents at U Penn office? Was the person who found the documents looking for them? If yes why, it has been 6 years. What were classified documents doing in an envelope marked personal at a private office? Why were lawyers involved in cleaning out an office? My conclusion is Joe knew he had the documents, sent a lawyer to find the documents after the National Archives notified Joe they wanted the documents back after 6 years. Search started in Oct or Nov. Some of the missing documents were found at U Penn. Joe thought all documents were located, National Archives sad no we are still missing documents, so the search expanded to Joe’s garage in early Jan, another stash found. Joe thought the hunt was over, National Archives said “ documents still missing” so hunt expanded to Joe’s office in his house. More documents found, national archives happy, all documents found the hunt is over and public learns Joe took classed documents but “ did the right thing” after 6 years. This is the only thing that makes sense. Unfortunately for Joe peripheral issues are raised. Joe and some of his appointees earned money for “do nothing jobs” at U Penn, Joe got $900,000 + and title professor. Secretary of State and others also cashed in. U Penn was getting $140 million + from China. $ 60 million from a Hunter business partner. The FBI was looking into China and buying access at U Penn, Professors complained that was “racist “ so Joe’s DOJ called off the FBI. Hunter supposedly rented the house where the documents were kept for $50,000/ month. Exorbitant rent or money laundering? Of course our ever loyal journalists will never dig into to exactly what was going on, their focus is protect Joe and the Democrat’s. That is why the focus is on the garage.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
I only have one question... Why? That includes Trump. Why? From there I may have follow up questions.
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