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Responses: 7
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I find it amusing so many people don’t understand the difference between weather and climate. Both are always changing, one quicker that the other.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
>1 y
And has been constantly changing long before automobiles came on the scene.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Global warming is the product of bad parents that chose an even worse name for their kid. Scientists have long warned of the impact that human activity is having on the environment, and unfortunately the term global warming became associated with that warning. The fact is that world weather functions in cycles and scientists have proven that the impact of human activity is having an effect on those cycles. That impact can produce hotter weather, colder weather, or more severe storms in world weather. Laughing at "global warming" when we have a severe cold spell is sticking your head in the sand. The simple fact is that what mankind does has impact on weather and the environment. We need to focus on what can be done to mitigate that impact rather than laugh at science because it's cold so there can't be "global warming."
SPC Bill Bailey
SPC Bill Bailey
>1 y
Thank you, that's what I've been saying for years !
MSgt Dee Ann P.
MSgt Dee Ann P.
>1 y
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
>1 y
What I am doing for the environment, at no cost to taxpayers, more than makes up for any impact my activity has on the planet.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
So record lows have been seen before, is it possible that it is some odd cycle that occurs naturally? After all there have been Ice Ages long before mankind had any influence on the weather at all. I do believe that our increased activity has probably had some effect but not sure that in lieu of what is known from the past that this isn't some sort of Natural Phenomenon.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
Ice Ages and Warm Times that had nothing to do with humans.
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