Good afternoon, Rallypoint, and welcome to the January 10th edition of Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD): "NGC 2264: The Cone Nebula." We find the Cone Nebula riding high in the winter skies of the Northern Hemisphere. It lies about 2,300 light years away in the constellation Monoceros (The Unicorn). Monoceros is bounded by Orion, the Big Dog, and the Little Dog. This composite image is the result of over 24 hours of exposure time using hydrogen alpha, luminence, red, green, and blue filters. Here are the astrophotographer's notes:
Telescope: PlaneWave CDK600
Camera: QHY600
Hydrogen alpha 26 exposures x 30 min each
Luminance 60 exoosures x 5 min each
Red 24 exposures x 5 min each
Green 24 exposures x 5 min each
Blue 24 exposures x 5 min each