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Responses: 13
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Considering what Biden's done when he was physically in his office, maybe we should be thankful he's only a part time President.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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>1 y
Maj John Bell - Context is in short supply for typical Progressives and/or Liberals.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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LTC Kevin B. - European gas prices are back to pre-Ukraine War. If this was truly the Putin gas hike, why aren't our gas prices back to the price when Biden took Office? I read yesterday President Biden is still draining our Strategic Oil Reserve. These aren't excuses they are facts, and they are President Biden's facts.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Feel free to blame Biden. That only serves to validate my blaming of Trump for 3m job losses on his watch.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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LTC Kevin B. - Context is always everything sir. Biden’s Big 3:
First: Biden's actions against oil and gas has been the primary cause of inflation; look at what we are currently paying for gas, eggs, basically everything.

Second: Biden inherited a world that was at peace relatively. Look at where the world is now under his leadership, I suppose most would say lack of leadership.

Third: Biden inherited a southern border that was under control. Through Biden’s direct orders we have record numbers of illegal aliens invading our Nation that everyone admits isn’t right. Women and children are being raped. Drugs are crossing our border at record levels killing thousands of Americans. Our nation’s resources are stretched past the breaking point because President Biden won’t do anything about all these illegal aliens wrongly using our asylum law. After a quick interview more than 90% of all these illegal aliens would be immediately deported. Now try to get rid of them. Or maybe you want them here?

Not one person I can think of has consistently screwed up more things over the past 50 years as Joe Biden. He is a mean pompous jerk.
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
Edited >1 y ago
The hypocrite Democrats/Liberals are defending this clown yet the crucified former President Trump for the time he spent away.
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LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
Biden is simply a figure head, this is Obama admin 3.0 with Jarret and Obama pulling the strings. It doesn’t matter f Biden is in the office or not!
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