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Responses: 2
LTC Trent Klug
Good! A nuclear armed Iran is trouble looking for a place to play.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
The world is a much more dangerous place just over 2 years since Joe Biden has been elected President. This is ironic since Biden’s supports touted his experience in foreign policy despite him never successfully running any organization in his life. Joe Biden never negotiated any deals when he was a Senator. As Vice President he only successfully sold influence through Hunter Biden to portions of our government by providing aid, this was most obvious in Ukraine where he was caught bragging about withholding federal aid until the Ukraine prosecutor investigation Burisma and Hunter Biden was fired.

Comparisons between Biden and Trump are stark:
Trump’s term began with Iran on the path to getting a nuclear weapon through the JCPOA, North Korea flying rockets as much as they could, and China and Russia rattling sabers, and foreigners testing our southern border. By Trump’s 3rd year, through diplomacy and threats of force Trump had the world mostly pacified.
Biden’s term began with the world at an uneasy peace. By the end of Biden’s 2nd year, through diplomacy that consisted mainly of trying to pay countries and terrorists to do what Biden wanted and implementing the Green New Deal that weakens nation’s ability to defend themselves, portions of the are world is at war or very close to it. Afghanistan was surrendered to the Taliban, Russia invading Ukraine, China aggressively expanding it’s OBOR Policy. Biden’s energy policy of we will drill no new oil and gas wells here push Europe and the rest of the world toward energy from Russia and products from China.
What can one say of the developments over the last 2 years except it is extremely depressing for the United States.
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