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Responses: 6
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
wow, stll a long way for equality: PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
Victory in preserving everyones rights to vote.
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SSG 12 B Instructor
Is there something stopping minorities from getting a state ID? I just don't understand why showing an ID to vote is racist? I am more then willing to hear the reasoning, I just don't get this one... However, if proper ID accessibility is the concern here, truly the concern... then we should also remove the need to provide ID when buying a gun. All that is doing is driving up illegal guns sales because showing an ID to exercise a constitutional right is racists?? Right? Leading people to purchase there guns illegally so they can protect themselves...

I propose we make getting a state ID free in all states and provide more locations where a person can get one. Like a school, or a city building in each town/city/county.... that fixes both those flawed ideas...
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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SSG (Join to see) - I am all for making voting and voter id's more accessible and free. I mostly find republicans who are against this.
SSG 12 B Instructor
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1SG (Join to see) I am arguing that no legal citizen should have to show ID to exercise any constitutional right. But if we are going to make it a requirement for one, it should be a requirement for all. I would also argue that one policy or politician can inflict much greater harm to the freedoms and liberty to our nation then a gun ever could. Just my opinion. I also have to show my ID and subject to a federal background check every time a purchase a firearm... why not expect any level of verification for voting??? If it's all a legal and legit process, why not then?

Side note, I do really a truly belive our election process is legit and am in no way an election denier nut job...
SSG 12 B Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
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1SG (Join to see) I think if they require it , then it should be absolutely free.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
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SSG (Join to see) - Decades of research even from the more conservative sources reinforce the integrity of US election over decades.
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