Posted on Nov 29, 2022
42 Biden Admin Officials Put on Notice by House Republicans
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
You know what will piss me off? The smoke and mirror club. Talk act. Puff your voices...swallow the "Richard Cabeza". Blow the smoke in their faces...stroke them from behind with an open greasy palm.
I for one am so damn tired of this bullshit. If you say 42 are on notice then damnit... file the paperwork and jail the sunsabitches; or find the cottonwood tree and hang them f*ckers in public square across the nation. Strap a notice around their stretched asses broken necks and let them rot on the line.
Put "NATIONAL TRAITOR and THIEF" on the sign. Stop drawing this crap out like a bad dream.
If your going to do it...if you say your going to do it..."DO IT". Recon that's why I cant be the perfect politician and why politicians piss me off... lying is so damn hard for me to do and talking out of the side of the mouth just don't work for me.
I for one am so damn tired of this bullshit. If you say 42 are on notice then damnit... file the paperwork and jail the sunsabitches; or find the cottonwood tree and hang them f*ckers in public square across the nation. Strap a notice around their stretched asses broken necks and let them rot on the line.
Put "NATIONAL TRAITOR and THIEF" on the sign. Stop drawing this crap out like a bad dream.
If your going to do it...if you say your going to do it..."DO IT". Recon that's why I cant be the perfect politician and why politicians piss me off... lying is so damn hard for me to do and talking out of the side of the mouth just don't work for me.
SSgt Clare May
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - is aint it? lol... Started out with not enough coffee yesterday...
SSgt Clare May
Giving away free medical care has only scratched the surface on what direction this nation the DNC political "Nazification" push is going. Speaking from my opinion in my home State, it has undermined the individual ability of doctors and medical personnel to act in individual ways to perform the medical profession they choose. For example, prior to 2020, Doctors and hospitals as well as nurses in my home State, could "Opt" out performing medical abortions. It was codified in law that they could all opt out from being forced to perform something they did not feel was ethical or agreed with morally.
Not any more.
The sitting Governor, and the entire majority led Democratic House and Senate agreed with her, and removed that law from the State of New Mexico's book...forever.
In return, now medical staff cannot refuse a late term, otherwise healthy child, at any stage of life, or they can face medical malpractice suits, fines or imprisonment by these elected Democratic position politicians. Democratic Political Party Politicians have made the decision that Doctors do not understand any stage of abortion (aka murder) as well as the Democratic politicians do.
Democrats in their entirety and their complete political organization, are codifying ethical and moral laws to fit the Democratic Political Movement, and you shall comply or face the punishment of the DNC. They dictate to us, what they want and what they do...and your opposing view is squashed and your opinion is worthless, your ethics...your morals... are indifferent and criminal to them.
Religious exceptions are on the chopping block as well with the DNC. Religious exceptions are a difficulty that must be removed by the matter the cost. The medical code of the past, no longer is saving and preserving life in New Mexico. It has officially morphed in New Mexico into...
"Bring us your pregnancy, from near and far, and we the DNC shall force doctors and nurses to rip that growth from your body, no matter the days, the weeks, the months, we shall amputate, disassemble and remove that unwanted and undesired growth from your body, we shall set your soul free, do it for free, New Mexico-Land of the Eviscerate".
Individualism is being forced from the mindset of public educators in favor of collectivizing the next generations. DNC political activism in the public educational system (aka socialism) is the key to achieving...absolute control of the critical masses... and the DNC has perfected its agenda while being very good at hiding its agendas core values from most.
This is only part of what Obamacare has achieved, (IMHO), in New Mexico.
HOWEVER... IMHO Medical treatment should be a human right. Treating the sick and unhealthy as well as the poor is... a excellent standard to achieve in any society.
Unfortunately, O bastard care is here to stay, with all the good it does, the bad will continue to flourish even more rapidly as well.
Not any more.
The sitting Governor, and the entire majority led Democratic House and Senate agreed with her, and removed that law from the State of New Mexico's book...forever.
In return, now medical staff cannot refuse a late term, otherwise healthy child, at any stage of life, or they can face medical malpractice suits, fines or imprisonment by these elected Democratic position politicians. Democratic Political Party Politicians have made the decision that Doctors do not understand any stage of abortion (aka murder) as well as the Democratic politicians do.
Democrats in their entirety and their complete political organization, are codifying ethical and moral laws to fit the Democratic Political Movement, and you shall comply or face the punishment of the DNC. They dictate to us, what they want and what they do...and your opposing view is squashed and your opinion is worthless, your ethics...your morals... are indifferent and criminal to them.
Religious exceptions are on the chopping block as well with the DNC. Religious exceptions are a difficulty that must be removed by the matter the cost. The medical code of the past, no longer is saving and preserving life in New Mexico. It has officially morphed in New Mexico into...
"Bring us your pregnancy, from near and far, and we the DNC shall force doctors and nurses to rip that growth from your body, no matter the days, the weeks, the months, we shall amputate, disassemble and remove that unwanted and undesired growth from your body, we shall set your soul free, do it for free, New Mexico-Land of the Eviscerate".
Individualism is being forced from the mindset of public educators in favor of collectivizing the next generations. DNC political activism in the public educational system (aka socialism) is the key to achieving...absolute control of the critical masses... and the DNC has perfected its agenda while being very good at hiding its agendas core values from most.
This is only part of what Obamacare has achieved, (IMHO), in New Mexico.
HOWEVER... IMHO Medical treatment should be a human right. Treating the sick and unhealthy as well as the poor is... a excellent standard to achieve in any society.
Unfortunately, O bastard care is here to stay, with all the good it does, the bad will continue to flourish even more rapidly as well.
TURNABOUT IS FAIR PLAY!!!!! The dems set the standard for going after folks.
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