Posted on Nov 27, 2022
Undercover cops bought 60 hand grenades in a Canadian Tire parking lot, trial hears
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
More & more Latinos voted Republican in the midterms this time, and if I recall right more were voted into office. It looks like they are getting fed up with the left too.
LTC (Join to see)
Yes, Schumer wants 15 million illegals already in the USA to be allowed amnesty. Illegals from ALL continents. I know the left just thinks I mean Mexicans. Los Liberales son pendejos!
That would bring a Democrat supermajority. 9K a day illegals yet Democrats accuse Republicans of not having a plan.
watch AOC go to Texas crying because these were deployed to keep them out!
SPC Gary C. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
That would bring a Democrat supermajority. 9K a day illegals yet Democrats accuse Republicans of not having a plan.
watch AOC go to Texas crying because these were deployed to keep them out!
SPC Gary C. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Texas Border Guard deploys armoured troop carriers to bolster security at Mexico Border
According to a statement from the Texas Guard, the decision comes amid record-breaking levels of illegal immigration influx from Mexico.
SPC Gary C.
LTC (Join to see) - The way I look at it, if the Fed will not do it the state has to take up the slack. Any vehicles that Texas can put on the border the better, and if they are fired on, they should be able to return the fire.
SPC Gary C.
LTC (Join to see) - I wonder which model they have, the A1, A2 or A3.
The A1 I had in Germany would hit 55, after I slipped one of the mechanics a bottle of JD and he turned the governor all the way off. I loved running on the autobahn with it, I just had to make sure that there wasn't any slack in the track, I kept a 5 gal. can of GAA under the first troop seat right behind the drivers seat. I just used my finger tips to steer it.
The A1 I had in Germany would hit 55, after I slipped one of the mechanics a bottle of JD and he turned the governor all the way off. I loved running on the autobahn with it, I just had to make sure that there wasn't any slack in the track, I kept a 5 gal. can of GAA under the first troop seat right behind the drivers seat. I just used my finger tips to steer it.
As horrible as 9000 a day sounds, that doesn’t include all the known and unknown got always. Amnesty for illegals is not the answer. We, the United States, have a process to allow aliens into this country and a pathway to citizenship. It is not “ Tell the last one across to shut the Border.” We are not motel 6 where “We leave the light in for you.”
It’s no different that the bases we were stationed on. We had armed personnel at the gates and patrols on the perimeter. It wasn’t that you couldn’t get on, you just had to do it the right way. Are we going to remove restricted access to or bases too because fences are racist?
I wish they would do gain of function testing on COMMON SENSE so that it could be leaked and we would have a pandemic of senseless. That’s my take.
It’s no different that the bases we were stationed on. We had armed personnel at the gates and patrols on the perimeter. It wasn’t that you couldn’t get on, you just had to do it the right way. Are we going to remove restricted access to or bases too because fences are racist?
I wish they would do gain of function testing on COMMON SENSE so that it could be leaked and we would have a pandemic of senseless. That’s my take.
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
I truly believe we all need to unwad our panties, start working to bring this country together. This site is for the defenders of our nation and way of life. As in wartime, we need to come together, regardless of party, and defend the nation from ruin. I’m not saying pick up your arms, I am saying raise your voice through voting, advocating and supporting the American way of life. We have plenty trying to divide the nation, but I say don’t let the bastards beat you.
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