Posted on Nov 2, 2022
‘100 Schools in 10 Years’, Award-Winning Microschool Founder Shares Her Vision | Kerry McDonald
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
This the reason why the NEA, various other Teacher's Unions and way, way too many school districts hate home schooling and private schools and will do everything in their power to deny or limit access to it; because they have no say over the educational content and they have zero ability to indoctrinate your child(ren) if they are not in public school.
Cpl Vic Burk
PO1 John Johnson There is truth in what you say. However, I have only had one student in all my years of teaching that came to my class from being home schooled that was even close to being on level of their peers. I'm not against home schooling (we did with our son for two years) but they need to have some kind of testing to be sure they are proficient at the level of education they have just completed. We had to register with the county that we were homeschooling and he had mandatory testing that he did. He was way above level when he went back in eighth grade.
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