Good morning, Rallypoint, and welcome to the October 24th edition of Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD): "Clouds Around Galaxy Andromeda." We've seen pictures of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) here before, but I don't think we've seen one like this. According to the notes that the astrophotographer shared, there is about 39 hours of exposure data behind this composite photo. That data was gathered over the course of two years (2021 and 2022). I think the end product is nothing short of marvelous.
Two different camera setups were used: an ASI2600mm Pro with Rokinon 135mm lens, and a Nikon D810a with an Espirit 100ED telescope. And (of course) the Hα filters to pick out the ionized hydrogen. Additional details are available on the Flickr page for this photo (link is on today's APOD).