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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
A 100% correct statement however Biden and the Left have done exactly the opposite and done more damage to our economy and freedom than has ever happened in my Lifetime. We don't want or need Socialism and that is exactly what We have been fighting against for decades and it doesn't work ! Venezuela is a good example of that, what was the 3rd best economy worldwide is now at the bottom by doing the same things Biden is doing. An entire wheel barrel of cash from Venezuela is almost worthless and was before almost the same level our US dollar used to be before Biden and His cronies ruined that. !
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LTC Self Employed
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
That is certainly right on target and completely accurate and what was being done prior to the Biden Administration charging in a putting everything out of control. We are actually dealing with an 40 to 60% inflation NOT 9.5 to 11.5 % as the liars on the left say. Let alone gasoline and oil prices for vehicles, look at home heating oil which the price was in the $350.00 to $375.00 range for one fill up before Biden took Office. Once Biden took office right away the cost rose to over $600.00 for the same amount of home heating oil. I had a delivery of home heating oil, two days ago and the Cost was over $1,000.00 for the same amount ! Yes that is ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. That is even in excess of the cost over three tank fill ups before Biden took office. It's not just Me, on checking with family member and friends all over $1,000.00 for ONLY ONE TANK fill up. On gasoline before Biden took office, $1.93 per gallon right away after He became President at the same gas station up to $4.65 and kept rising. Charging into our strategic oil reserve instead of using out own domestic oil for a temporary deception on a problem He caused. Let alone the pipeline but actually putting a stop to drilling. Oil change for vehicle another massive increase. Jus to eat and feed My family rise of 40 to 60 % there also. Cost of ALL consumer items, a massive rise. We had already become energy independent on out own oil until Biden ruined both that and the economy in the process and it is getting worse.
LTC Self Employed
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
Yes, all three of those pictures say exactly what I mentioned and what the problems are on these issues. Yes, a picture can be worth a thousand words.
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SN Boatswain's Mate
I'd add a comment but I do not watch Fox.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Your loss. The Biden Cone of Silence/ Protection Networks are consistently way behind in ratings because they protect the President and his incompetent minions in Congress.
CNN consider high gas prices a 'tax cut' or inflation is 'good for you'. A Dollar on 1-20-2021 is now worth 88.3 cents today. Thanks Brandon!
CNN article by Democrat Economist Larry Summers warned our Stupid President about this exact mess we are in NOW!

https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/26/economy/inflation-larry-summers-biden-fed/index.html#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh= [login to see] 257&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SN (Join to see) LTC Trent Klug SPC David S.
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