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Responses: 8
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Edited 2 y ago
I skimmed the study and couldn't help but think of the many other variables or conclusions one could propose from this.

This study was based on counties which were considered majority Republican or Democrat. Does it account for maybe those deaths in Republican counties could still be a majority of Democrats? Is it because of lack of masking or social distancing or are Republicans simply more driven to stay employed and weigh the risk of getting COVID vs staying employed. I personally got COVID in Nov of 2020 because I had to fly out to Maryland (a Democrat state) for important work dealing with national security matters. I could have easily said no and avoided the meetings, but I have a personal sense of responsibility and desire to keep things moving. I also knew that a Vaccine would never prevent me from getting COVID (once developed) or prevent me from spreading it. By the way, I wore a mask, washed my hands constantly, and respected all the rules at the time for the whole trip. In the end, it's not like each of these people were surveyed to figure out what their political leanings are, so forgive me if I raise an eyebrow to the merit of these studies. Especially when they only sampled two states of which both have majority GOP to begin with.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin. You'll have to forgive me. I don't trust the results in either of these studies. With it being broken down by political affiliation, it is specifically grinding an axe and to possibly sway the reader into believing all factors were the same.

Masking didn't and doesnt work. Masking protected virtually no one. Had masking worked, covid cases would have gone down significantly in 2020 and 2021. They didn't.

I took the vaccine only because I was threatened with the loss of my job and I am the sole money earner in my family. I wore masks only in places where I was forced to due to a edict by the governor of the state I lived in. Everywhere else I went without a mask and met my friends and family without it on as well.

I had adverse reactions to the vaccine. I was down for five days. I will not get any boosters or a yearly booster. Ever.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
2 y
LTC Trent Klug I don’t put much faith in the study either and even if it were remotely reflective of Democrats and Republicans, so what? What conclusions can one make from that? As I mentioned, is it reflective of Republicans pushing on to continue working, providing for their families, keeping this nation’s economy running? A study like this can only have one purpose… to foster division.

You’re right in that masking did not work. The studies on masking were highly controlled and required far too many standard which few people could maintain. Most of all though I pondered the initial accounts we were led to believe in that a bat managed to infect one person leading to a global epidemic. How are we to believe then anyone could escape COVID?

So I contracted COVID as well, despite my efforts to be careful, following the guidelines, monitoring the slightest changes in my health, and wondering if I even had a bad run, was it COVID. It turned out for me that COVID was nothing more then a minor cold for myself, my wife, and my son (my daughter never seem to contract it). The worst part was a loss of smell/taste for a couple of weeks. Eventually the vaccines came and like you I was the primary bread winner and my wife works in healthcare. My wife trusted the guidance of the CDC while I was in no hurry to get the vaccine. Still, in order to continue working effectively both of had to take the shots and my wife decided the kids would take them as well. Then more information came out, the CDC gave conflicting accounts, legitimate studies and perspectives were getting censored, and the whole thing got politicized.

I have not taken the boosters either, nor will I, and I have yet to contract COVID for a second time thus far, despite the fact I no longer use a mask. I also believe natural immunity is a thing and that unfortunately COVID will affect people differently, especially if they have other factors working against them (age, overweight, etc). I am in excellent health as an adult over 50, I work out daily, and I keep my weight in check. That in my opinion is how one can best deal with COVID. It the politicization of this epidemic would never allow people of authority to emphasize and highlight this as they should. Lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy. Age is obviously something we can’t prevent, so concentrate on that demographic vs suggesting that 5 year olds and younger take a vaccine which could have negative repercussions in the future.

The numbers of deaths are probably going down now but I don’t think it’s because of the vaccine. Call it survival of the fittest. Those who were more susceptible to the extreme effects have either passed on or they have somehow managed to overcome it. COVID is here to stay and perhaps someday down the road as I get old and the studies have more data, I might be inclined to take a booster. But I doubt it.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin Great response. I am in the same mode as you. I turn 61 this month and I am doing everything you're doing.
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CMSgt Security Forces
The moment COVID-19 became political, we all lost.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
This is very interesting!
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
2 y
I will not take advice from news sources that have lied to their audiences consistently.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
I know minority opinions are hated in the climate change climate emergency BS forum but this is probably more scientific than this news article. Just like I was hearing yesterday that the news media ignored Dr Detroit first lady misses Biden wearing high heels to Florida when when Melania Trump first lady wore high heels to a hurricane disaster and the media was all over it but they say nothing when it's somebody that they like.
SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM MSG Roy Cheever LTC Eugene Chu LTC Trent Klug LTC Stephen F.
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