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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
It is treason. The NY Times has abrogated its responsibility to the public to do real journalism
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SPC Kevin Ford
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/ [login to see] /a-software-ceo-was-arrested-on-suspicion-of-storing-poll-worker-data-in-china

"Gascón, a Democrat, said at the news conference that the information allegedly held on servers in China related to poll workers, and "is not - I repeat, it is not - related to election material or voter information.""
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LTC Thomas Tennant
I've always maintained that if I sit back and wait long enough the truth will come out. And yes the truth will set us free. I have always been skeptical of electronic voting machines. Having written code for several programs used by the military at the start of the computer generation, I know how easily it is to put a back door for future manipulation. While I do not say unequivocally the election was stolen, I do think there are too many questions that have yet to be answered about the last presidential election. One of those questions is why do the left and the Democrats oppose any independent audit of the election machines? What are they afraid of? Why are they so opposed to voter ID? This flies in the face of some of their other initiatives where they demand an ID, or can they not see their own hypocrisy? And I agree with one of the other posts, the liberal media has not been doing their job of getting the truth out. The liberal media is complicit in helping create the very questions they're trying to avoid. They suppressed the hunter Biden story. And now they're trying to suppress any inquiries into possible election fraud.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
2 y
Are you aware that Yu's criminal charges have nothing to do with election fraud, according to the prosecutor that had him arrested?
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