Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
See this is how satire works. I don't care who you voted for they all rob us to ruin so if you think that little letters after their name means anything then you aren't paying attention. I tend to vote conservative simply because if the military taught me anything it was that you don't spend money you don't have. All of this conflict here at home and abroad happens not to right injustice but to line pockets and fund agendas. If they had any interest in righting injustice mental health would be better and we would not be losing 22 brothers and sisters a day. Weeping for our future is pointless when our today is a travesty. Being informed globally is fine but be present locally. Reach out, help someone, be a friend. Be a human. Politics is garbage and as long as we take sides against each other we miss the shell game they're playing. Be thankful God gave you another day, don't waste it finding ways to tear others down. United we stand if not what's the point?
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