Posted on Sep 23, 2022
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers: Illegal immigrants are still “Wisconsinites”
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
What a complete idiot this Governor is ! Where do they dig up morons like Him let alone be stupid enough to vote for Him ?
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - Agreed - It begs the question why the voters continue to check the names that promote spending tax money on illegals promoted by the current administration.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD - .....
I Gotta Admit, I Agree With Some Of What You Said, But Here's Some Information You May Like To Add To Your Current Understanding About Illegals...
Somewhat A Surprise?
Examining the Economic Contributions of Undocumented ...
Given their productivity and their participation rate in the workforce, Mexican undocumented immigrants are significant economic contributors to the American economy. In 2019 alone, Mexican undocumented households earned almost $92 billion in household income and contributed $9.8 billion in federal, state, and local taxes, even assuming conservative estimates that only half of all undocumented households filed taxes.:
Please Keep This In Mind When Hearing Rumors Which You Now Realize To Be Untrue.
I Gotta Admit, I Agree With Some Of What You Said, But Here's Some Information You May Like To Add To Your Current Understanding About Illegals...
Somewhat A Surprise?
Examining the Economic Contributions of Undocumented ...
Given their productivity and their participation rate in the workforce, Mexican undocumented immigrants are significant economic contributors to the American economy. In 2019 alone, Mexican undocumented households earned almost $92 billion in household income and contributed $9.8 billion in federal, state, and local taxes, even assuming conservative estimates that only half of all undocumented households filed taxes.:
Please Keep This In Mind When Hearing Rumors Which You Now Realize To Be Untrue.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Yes, and usually those that do contribute take the time and effort to become citizens of the United States. Some that I actually do know did do that but had to pay a $1,500.00 fine even though the illegal entry was with their parents when they were children. At that point they were US citizens and entitled to vote which by actual right of citizenship they do. I do not support that Governor's blanket statement however to allow non citizens to vote. ONLY those born here or naturalized citizens are entitled to that right. That does not mean others can't and don't contribute to the society they now live in here but unless they took the effort to become citizens they are NOT entitled to vote.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - ....
Our Dad Came Here From Portsmouth, England; With His Mom, At The Turn Of The 20th Century; And Pretty Much, Just Showed Up, Processed Through Ellis Island, And Simply Got Jobs & Remained Here.....
To The Best Of My Knowledge, Nobody Even Asked Any Questions....
That Was Early-On In The 1900's, So I Know Things Are Now Different ..
Presently, The Legal Paperwork For A Family Of 4 Is So Outrageous, The Immigrants Can't Even Afford It., Since They Have No Other Choice, They Unpack & Just Have To Hope For The Best....Tell Me "THAT Doesn't Suck".
But Here's Even More "Helpful Hints From Eloise"..LOL: .....And WE Fear THEM?.. Duh !!
Comparing Crime Rates Between Undocumented Immigrants, Legal ...
Abstract. The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.
Our Dad Came Here From Portsmouth, England; With His Mom, At The Turn Of The 20th Century; And Pretty Much, Just Showed Up, Processed Through Ellis Island, And Simply Got Jobs & Remained Here.....
To The Best Of My Knowledge, Nobody Even Asked Any Questions....
That Was Early-On In The 1900's, So I Know Things Are Now Different ..
Presently, The Legal Paperwork For A Family Of 4 Is So Outrageous, The Immigrants Can't Even Afford It., Since They Have No Other Choice, They Unpack & Just Have To Hope For The Best....Tell Me "THAT Doesn't Suck".
But Here's Even More "Helpful Hints From Eloise"..LOL: .....And WE Fear THEM?.. Duh !!
Comparing Crime Rates Between Undocumented Immigrants, Legal ...
Abstract. The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.
Just like with the New York City mayor, those on the extreme left considered illegal aliens more American than Americans. This is the same crazy left that will give $1,000 checks to homeless women and transgender men but not to homeless gay men and straight men. So you know they're all going to be like Klinger from Mash just to get free money from the woke idiots. We all know that the homeless are going to use the money mostly for drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MSgt Jason McClish A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MSgt Jason McClish A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
Denver approves monthly cash payments for homeless women, families and trans individuals
Denver will be giving $1,000 a month over the next year to more than 140 of the city’s homeless residents as a part of a pilot program intended to help house them.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Perhaps The Checks NOT In The Mail, But It SHOULD Be.....
The gods KNOW Your Statement Is Valuable !!
The gods KNOW Your Statement Is Valuable !!
LTC (Join to see)
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney that is true, illegal aliens just want to survive and be part of society. My mother came here legally, and she applied at the US Embassy but President Biden is kicking in the door and now you see when Republican Governors send them to the big cities, they finally wake up because Democrats up north don't care because it's not in their backyard, but now you have a fraction of what they have to deal with in the southern border sent up to the big cities, they are limited resources are overwhelmed and homeless veterans are probably at the back of the line now because woke Democrats care or by illegal aliens as being more American than Americans.
Now they are setting up tent cities or you see them hanging out because they are the new homeless but now they're actually internally displaced because they were homeless in the southern border states but now they're homeless in the big city and
Modern leftist Pro open borders George Soros thinking democrats for only crying Uncle because they see it but they still are too radical and don't believe in the nation state.
SPC Gary C. SFC Ralph E Kelley SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown CPL Douglas Chrysler
Now they are setting up tent cities or you see them hanging out because they are the new homeless but now they're actually internally displaced because they were homeless in the southern border states but now they're homeless in the big city and
Modern leftist Pro open borders George Soros thinking democrats for only crying Uncle because they see it but they still are too radical and don't believe in the nation state.
SPC Gary C. SFC Ralph E Kelley SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown CPL Douglas Chrysler
Open Society Foundations—Who We Are
We are the largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
CPL Douglas Chrysler - ...
What A Shame. One Of My Tenants Must Not Have Been Aware Of This New Law...
I Gave Her 30 Days And Now She's GONE...
And All It Cost Me Were The Mailing Fees..
Poof, Soot In The Breeze...
What A Shame. One Of My Tenants Must Not Have Been Aware Of This New Law...
I Gave Her 30 Days And Now She's GONE...
And All It Cost Me Were The Mailing Fees..
Poof, Soot In The Breeze...
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