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Responses: 3
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
This is going to be a messy lawsuit Lt Col Charlie Brown
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Sgt Self Employed
Still forcing people to get a vaccine that doesn't work. And boosters that don't work. And has been shown to cause serious heart issues with young males.
The purge continues.
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - You leftists always say the same thing. My source says this, so you're is wrong.
Well, in your world it might work that way, but that's not the way things actually work.
Keep trying.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
I’m not a leftist.
Also, you never answered. “ Seriously, look at the danish website. And compare it to what Berenson posted. And then ask, what’s to be believed; the actual danish website, or a screen grab of the purported danish website from a guy with an extensive background in silliness.”
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - "...extensive background in silliness" blows your argument out of the water since now it's about your feelings and not factual.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
It’s a question, not an argument. A question, please note, that you’ve declined to answer several times.
In the face of apparent delicate sensibilities, I’ll slightly rephrase.
Seriously, look at the danish website. And compare it to what Berenson posted. And then ask, what’s to be believed; the actual danish website, or a screen grab of the purported danish website from a Source with a noted reputation for inaccuracy.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
I fear there will be so many requesting a Religious Exemption that truly do not practice their religion it will be bogus.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
2 y
PO1 Jeff Chandler - That is fine and I believe you, but fear that anyone that does not want to take the vaccine for any reason will just use the religion excuse.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
What makes the pastafarians beliefs any more or les silly than any other religions?
Also, are you a member of the Dutch Reformed or Faith Tabernacle? Most religions have no opposition to vaccines, including the overwhelming amount of branches of Christianity.
“I believe it’s a sin” is different than “my religion believes it’s a sin”.

Do you have citations to studies confirming that the Covid vaccine alters/affects dna?
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