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Responses: 2
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Are you trying to fake a head injury or something?
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
2 y
That comment is uncalled for and unbecoming an NCO in the United States Marine Corps. I think you have mistaken Rally Point for some other, run-of-the-mill social media platform. Sarcasm is unprofessional and anti-intellectual. If you have an honest comment or question, let 'er rip. Otherwise, check yourself, Marine.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - I was just curious if you had a claim with the VA and were trying to generate some sort of evidence to support a claim of mental instability. Let me ask you this... when you say the Pledge of Allegiance, do you really believe it when you say "liberty and justice for all", or is that just something you say because that is how it was written? Do you actually believe in the due process of law? That is an honest question.
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PVT Infantry Recruit
To be honest with you, I don't believe they will. From all the evidence I have seen in person it was an inside job. Too many coincidences! The FBI building is where the second jet hit, right where all the files were procesed. The second jet was not a passenger plane, it was that style of plane sold to the Military. Minus the windows, call letters, or markings. Passenger jets don't have fuel tanks strapped under the wings. They don't explode as they hit something. You can see a bright flash just before it hit the building.
Then the 3rd building that was never hit went down. That building held all the records of the FBI, why is that important? Because it was to be audited the next week. Radar showed no activity within a 100-mile radius (before) it happened at the busiest airport in the world.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
2 y
Prove it.
PVT Infantry Recruit
PVT (Join to see)
2 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger
All of my videos have been removed from my saved items (surprise) but if you look hard enough and use your ties to the Military, you'll find it all. Most of it is in plain sight. Every newspaper and Saturday evning post - video of the second plane has it but it's hard to see after you ZOME in on the plane. We don't have the sophisticated equipment the Military does! But I saw it firsthand 28 min after it happened. No time to make it up, change anything, and the source was the Nevada Test site! How many times have you heard the fire men say they heard explosions up and down the stairs, like a demolition would be?
PVT Infantry Recruit
PVT (Join to see)
2 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - I invite you to use your influence on the high tec imaging devices at your disposal and watch these 2 videos from 2 different angles at YouTube - (Michael Hezarkhani) - (Luc Courchesne) the one I was referring to is gone from the French Fire Dept on the ground doing drills. Oh, how they were attacked that day and the days after.
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