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Responses: 11
CPT Jack Durish
President Trump was and is an existential threat to the progressive Leftist movement that has been refashioning American government for more than a century through reinterpretation of the Constitution. Even though he has left office, his influence is reflected in a growing segment of the electorate. The progressive Left fears this movement even more than it feared President Trump and they are fighting back. They correctly see that there is no compromise between their ideology and those who value traditional American values of self-reliance and self-responsibility. Thus, they have no choice but to vilify such Americans in the eyes of their adherents. They are preparing their movement for whatever form the conflict may take, whether peacefully in debate or in a Civil War.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
In other words, there is no honest debate/discussion with them, to them it's your either for me or against me. That is how it seems to me.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited 2 y ago
To answer you question in a short summary...NO WE ARE MORE DIVIDED THAN EVER.
Backup--Dems went after Trump for the same things Biden is doing...dividing America and name calling stirring the hate pot. To call any republican an insurrectionist, filibustering, racist, anti vaxxing, trump loving voter suppressing, homophobe, xenophobe, antidemocracy person is horseshit. All that nana foo foo kindergarten name calling only divides people more and that is what the left wants...a divided America so thay can say what Ronald Reagan said were the 9 most dangerous words of the English language, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!" The left thrives on division, they live for it. They don't want unity and critical thinking...they want to tell you what to do...all that to say no we are not more unified under Biden and it will take us years to get back to where we need to be.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
Of course, you explain it sensibly as it truly is. Thank you.

It just got to me a bit when I hear the President call me a fascist when he doesn't know me, and his Administration is the one using fascist tactics to destroy anyone they perceive may vote for the other side. It feels like sometimes I'm living in Russia; Bernie Sanders may like it, but Burnie Walko does not.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - I don't like it either and my voice willnot be silenced, although some on RP have tried but not successfully to include choice admins. What I don't understand is those that hate trump can't see that biden is doing the same things..name calling finger pointing et al. But they can't see that through their red hatred eyes for Trump. I am an American and my voice will be heard as well as any other Americans...may not like what they have to say but I will fight to the death for freedom to say it.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth They won't see it because...political affiliation.
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SSgt Owner/Operator
I would say no every day of the week and twice on Sunday. This is a problem that goes far beyond a single man - this term or last, or previous, etc. This POTUS has been extremely decisive while in office. That is my opinion based on what I can see second hand, using sources for the far left all the way to the far right. https://ground.news/ has been an interesting site to weight the balance, the blind spots, etc.

Our media is, in my opinion, 50% of the problem. 45% of the problem are those that look at one side only - like too many people on this site. 5% are the politicians trying to stay in power.
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