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Responses: 7
MSgt Dale Johnson
That is such Bullcrap.
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MSG Greg Kelly
They need to be careful the liberals and Dems may try to open camps for the conservatives with ovens and work crews
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited 2 y ago
Yet they fancy themselves intellectually enlightened, inclusive, compassionate, and... all those things they ARE NOT!!! They attack Conservatives because Conservatives actually have solutions. For Liberal Democrats, "It's not about solving problems or finding solutions... it's all about the journey."

Translated: We don't know how to fix @#$# and fall back on explaining away our [the Democrats] inability to accomplish anything good for the people with word salad that means absolutely nothing.

As long as they mean well and are trying, we should allow them to continue to screw up everything they touch... Until when? How close are we to being insolvent? We're $30.7 Trillion in debt and it is growing exponentially! It's just a delaying measure to appease those hoping to see practical solutions to the problems they are experiencing.

The ONLY political capital the Democrats have is the offense they take to everyone and everything that doesn't agree with them. When it comes to actually producing results, all we get are empty promises and excuses. They like to take credit for what others accomplish and find scapegoats to blame to explain away their inability to get the job done. Nothing is ever their fault.

Obama blamed GW Bush for everything he failed to accomplish well into his second term. Hillary blamed her staff for her loss in 2020. Biden blamed Trump for the downturn in our economy but it was the Democrats, not Trump, that mishandled the crisis. We were funding Biolabs in China and Ukraine. I believe the Democrats created the crisis (if the Wuhan leak was intentional) or intentionally exacerbated the crisis (assuming the Wuhan leak was unintentional) to destroy the economy in order to blame Trump for it, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Never let a crisis go to waste. When Trump wanted to close ports to travelers from COVID hotspots, Pelosi stopped it and encouraged people to celebrate the New Year in Chinatown. The Democrats called Trump xenophobic and racist and accused him of quack science when he suggested hydroxychloroquine be looked at as a potential prophylactic to help people resist infection. When NY complained about being out of supplies, Trump sent them masks (from Russia), ventilators, mobile MASH tents, and the USS Comfort. Instead, the Governor of NY and mayor of NYC put COVID-infected patients in nursing homes just to drive their political narrative about how deadly COVID is. The lives of their constituents were less important than their political narrative. Hindsight being 20/20, Trump was right.

Biden promised to Build Back Better. Would you say we're doing better under Democratic leadership? This is what you get with Socialism. Empty store shelves, decreased productivity, income redistribution, growing debt, rising crime, etc. AND LOSS OF FREEDOM! The Democratic Party has fully embraced Socialism calling it the future of the Democratic Party, and AOC is one of their rising stars. If the Democratic Party owns the House, Senate, and the Presidency (which AOC called the 3 branches of the Federal Gov't), then by extension Socialism becomes America's future.

Our education system is being turned into a hotbed for Marxist indoctrination. Instead of concentrating on the basics of education (Math, Science, History, Social Studies, Language), our children are being taught CRT, Gender Fluidity, Transgenderism, and they are being influenced to believe in Progressivism. We have to save the planet from Climate Change, get vaccinated, stop having babies, go green, etc. Everything sounds good in theory but in reality, it's all garbage.

Our Founding Fathers assumed an educated and informed public. We have grown complacent and stupid. We are the government and those we elect are our representatives. That's how Constitutional Republics work. They are Democratic to a point. The people don't have time to learn about all the issues being voted on and that's why we entrust representatives to vote on our behalf. Their character in and out of office is important. They are supposed to represent the best of America. Politics was not intended to be a lucrative career choice, it was a debt of service people give to their country, much as military service is. Unfortunately, our government is infested with career lawyer politicians who see their service as a lucrative career choice and they have made nests for themselves and consolidated power in the Federal Government. It's a good arrangement. They waste our tax dollars and give our money away to their pet Special Interest Groups and in exchange, they get the money and votes they need to keep themselves in power. Instead of holding our elected officials accountable, we just vote for whoever promises to give us the most free stuff. Nothing is free and now we're paying for it. That $1,400 stimulus check that select people got has all been eaten away by inflation. They gave us our money back and then took even more back from us with inflation and higher taxes [more of which are yet to come...].

This country needs a reset. We need to go back to the vision our Founding Fathers had for our country. One with a limited Federal Government and power vested in the States, where each generation was responsible for the debt it incurred and didn't pass it along to future generations. Where character mattered and leaders were held accountable for their incompetence and corruption. I could go on and on but you get the picture.

There is corruption on both sides of the aisle but you have to start somewhere. If the Democratic Party has embraced Socialism and called it the future of their party, then it's not with them. We do not need to be governed by those that fancy themselves a political ruling class that makes all the decisions for the people but doesn't think it has to answer to the people for their corruption and poor leadership.

Half the GOP is in bed with the Progressive Democratic Establishment and I call them Establishment GOP RINOs. They are Republicans In Name Only. They need to be voted out (assuming we still have free and fair elections).

The MAGA movement in my opinion is the best way forward and it is bigger than Trump. It is a return to the Constitutional vision of our Founding Fathers, which Trump supports. The candidates Trump has supported with his endorsement have done very well in the midterms and this is one of the reasons why the Democrats have been so hard on him. They fear he will expose their dirty deeds and want to get rid of him by all means. Why is it that Obama, the Clintons, Pelosi, and George Soros (who funds riots in our cities) are untouchable? Why have they not brought to Justice? What has happened to our DOJ? Nobody trusts the FBI anymore. It's totally in bed with the Democratic Party.

Trump wants to restore control of our government back to the people, where it belongs. This is not sitting well with the Progressive Establishment and the Swamp in which they dwell. If the Progressive Establishment can't knock him out of politics and Trump runs again in 2024, I believe they will try to assassinate him. There are still good conservative leaders in this country. We need to clear a path for them to rise to the top in the upcoming mid-terms. VOTE!!! #RememberInNovember.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
2 y
Capt Jeff Schwager: Well written, truthful and hopefully a mind changer for many.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
2 y
Our leadership in the Senate appears to lack the well power to even try to gain seats in the senate especially if they are MEGA supporters!
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
2 y
Capt Jeff Schwager: To your point of the Left always attacking the Right, if we successfully take the House and Senate Joe will blame them for destroying the Country, high Inflation, higher taxes, crime, drugs, loss of being a world power and you name it that he devastated and Joe will blame the House and Senate if under Republican control.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
2 y
Capt Jeff Schwager: Have to say your masterpiece is worth reading again and I don't think anyone could have said what you presented any better or more comprehensively and I commend you for your written thoughts. Keep them coming, rally our troops and dispell the radicals! You are off to a phenomenal start.
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