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Responses: 2
MSG Stan Hutchison
Lock him up!
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 mo
For SFC Walko, if you are going to respond to one of my comments, please unblock me si I can answer you.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
4 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Ok , So maybe that you missed the Southern border is wide open allowing into the United States , To rob, maimed, rape & kidnap , YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR WIFE/?MOTHER OR WHATEVER CRIME comes up, because when the very day that OBIDEN came into the White House, HE alone, is responsible for the death of over 300,000 Young Americans, on a drug by the name og FENALYN. SO where in the HELL have YOU been MSG??, & besides that You just made a wild ass statement, in that if I copied this right, THEY DO NOT HAVE SUFFIENT EVIDENCE FOR THAT, LOL. Do YOU REMEMBER the chairman of the Judiciary committee, poured hours on getting facts supported by testimony/ in congress that in fact that JOE ASS OBIDEN IS A FREAKING CRIMINAL. The congressional committee had a number of individual's appeared before the committee, to give sworn testimony in regard that the OBIDEN CRIME FAMILY HAD IN FACT RECEIVED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the CHINESE, over, & over again. That is old news, so where have YOU been ?? The congress has put forward a Congressional EMPEACHMENT PAPERS, but the DEMONONIC?COMMUNIST MEMBERS OF THE SENATE REFUSED TO ACCEPT THEM, SO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MSG?? Or I got it You did not see the video of good ole JOE ASS bragging to the whole damn word that HE had the Prosecutor fired for going after HIS SON in URKRAINE, who was sitting on the URKRAINE ENERGY BOARD, of while HIS son has zero experience, I can go for hours??? However , I do respect the SERVICE YOU HAVE GIVEN TO THE UNITED STATES. I have tried to correctly inform You, but i feel my effort is in vain! Once uniformed, stay uninformed!
MSG Stan Hutchison
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
4 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - The American families who have suffered from the travesty, of these ANIMALS /Terrorists, that have been allowed in, to cause death, & mayhem, this is real, NOT NONSENSE!
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Anthony Logan
Why should anyone believe anything Trump says?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
Why? That the full weight of the DOJ, FBI, US Congress, and various states have been endlessly investigating every portion of Trump, his family, and his businesses for over 5years now, and have come up with zero criminal charges. They have come up with some business civil stuff that Progressives are trying to use in criminal courts that just doesn't fit... and that's after fabrication evidence. To me that indicates he is squeaky clean. That's why people should believe Trump! That this FBI person just got probation is an outrage.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
4 mo
because HE locked down the Southern Border, that OBIDEN opened wide for every commie/terrorist in the world could come in a Kill at least 300,000 American's, He also brought about the Keystone pipeline with another 100,000,jobs, the dollar was as solid as could be, 1.4% inflation, more cops, better schools, & less CRIME, & unless YOU ARE Criminal I guess this must brother U, & finally, when the NOBAMA,S OBIDENS GET FINISHED WITH TRUMP, there coming after YOUR ASS!
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