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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
I chose to believe that the election was stolen because the option of believing that We the People were dumb enough to vote our way into this mess is far worse. We can overcome shenanigans, but we can't overcome our own stupidity
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - You make unsubstantiated claims. You toss out insults like hand grenades. How can you embarrass yourself with such frequency? I pray that your ignorance never parts so that you'll never be exposed to the full impact of what you have done to yourself. Honestly, I pity you.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 y
CPT Jack Durish - Cap'n Jack, we will never see eye to eye on almost anything. However, I will. NEVER need nor accept your pity. I am educated, I do my research, usually on multiple sites, and form objective opinions. I have just grown tired of trying to explain the same thing over and over.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Why don't you ever share your "research." You make accusations without any substantiation. Like so many, your education appears to have been by rote (reciting facts and opinions by which you were indoctrinated) rather than in how to think for yourself. You are tiresome, that I'll grant you, but not from trying to explain anything. You merely disagree without offering anything worth considering. To be honest, I have though of blocking you. It would be an act of kindness, to maybe prevent you from embarrassing yourself, but you don't really need my help, do you? Now, if you really want to engage in a discussion of opposing facts and observations, you're always welcome. Otherwise, you can avoid further embarrassment by simply avoiding discussions and comments that I post.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 y
CPT Jack Durish - My first reaction is to tell you to kiss my ass, but you and your comments are just not worth it.
Have a nice day.
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Probably as livid as any here over the last election, given the amount of information out there. More so at the McCarthy/McConnell axis of disinterest. Realistic enough to know that's all in our wake. Just needs to be remembered as motivation to get every voter out in Nov. Then, pressure to deep six McCarthy/McConnell. And pressure to hold the rest of those squishy Republican's feet to the fire.
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SPC David S.
I feel the intended goal of the DNC is to indeed weaken America. Its all part of the "transition" they keep mentioning. This transition includes degrading our hegemony as America currently influences most of the world in one way or another. This is a roadblock in the WEF's desire to transition the world governments to their planned global governance.

Personally I think the WEF is a very bad and dangerous idea. Its like only having a 25 pound sledgehammer in your tool box. Policy works great for big picture stuff but fails miserably when it comes to specific regional policy - the small finishing nail. As well such concentration of power makes its almost impossible to regulate and or return power back to countries. Russia and China's increasing sphere of influence is also part of this plan as its fairly easy to transition power from a regional oligarchy to a global oligarchy. The people have already been conditioned to the idea of a consolidated power structure.

If you don't believe me its right on their web site - I'm convinced this is how Biden won the election. He was on board with the plan and his family has been protected and profited from this deal. They even talk about how cities will disrupt the hegemony. This explains how they are using cites to actually undermine America's sphere of influence which I feel this article is speaking about. The ideal of sanctuary cities breaks down and erodes at concepts like sovereignty and borders.

Its subtle but the author mentions Friedreich Engels predicting the “withering away of the state” in the wake of socialism. Engels was a revolutionary socialist - this is where the WEF wants to go with liberal democracy.

The WEF claims that greed of financial capitalism is the mechanism that is spurring on the "vicious backlash against globalization" and is enabling "alternative models of governance" to reassert themselves. The truth is people especially in America understand that liberty and freedom is at stake.

I can go on and on but the great game is just a cog in the wheel of the globalist.

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