Posted on Aug 16, 2022
FDA Finalizes Historic Rule Enabling Access to Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids for Millions of...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
If the FDA follows anything that this administration dishes out like this, it would make the product's quality and useful somewhat dubious... The idea sounds good, but the implementation and success, as I see it, is questionable...sorry to say...
Lots of advances in hearing aids in the last decade or so. When I think back to the huge devices that my father wore, that he always had problems with, an OTC hearing device makes a lot of sense.
CPT Heather Roper
I have to disagree with you. Hearing aids, that are properly fit to an individual, have come along way since the ones your dad wore. These OTC hearing aids cannot be tailored to the individual like hearing aids you get from an Audiologist, or other hearing health professional. Hearing aids do NOT correct hearing. What these individuals will not receive is education on what they can & cannot do for them, what to expect & how to adjust to using them. Also, by not requiring a hearing test prior to purchase there are many health issues that can go undiagnosed (e.g. cholesteatoma & acoustic neuroma). My number 1 concern, as an Audiologist, has always been & always will be for the health of my patients. Does there needs to be more hearing devices that are more financially accessible? You bet. Has this been tried? Yup, sure has. If my memory serves me correctly it was the songbird.
I can tell you for a fact that 10 people with identical hearing loss will not be happy with the same settings on their hearing. That comes from over 20 yrs working with individuals with hearing loss. I was a civilian Audiologist for over 13 yrs before becoming a military Audiologist.
I can tell you for a fact that 10 people with identical hearing loss will not be happy with the same settings on their hearing. That comes from over 20 yrs working with individuals with hearing loss. I was a civilian Audiologist for over 13 yrs before becoming a military Audiologist.
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