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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
These people are crazy.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
Not crazy ma'am, they know how to destroy their enemies. To our Progressive Democrats anything that teaches personal responsibility must be destroyed, it is in the way of them tearing down our Country and building what they want.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Edited 2 y ago
It now seems our friend LTC Broom is our resident expert on what is Politically Correct. It is obviously from his years of training that only Left leaning actions are Politically Correct. :)

RallyPoint has updated the tags in your discussion: "Campos-Duffy warns Christianity 'under attack' after The Atlantic calls the Rosary an 'extremist...". Your original tags were:


Your new tags are now:


The discussion tags were changed by LTC Kevin Broom, PhD.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Of course many of LTC Broom's actions have nothing to do with Rally Point Standards, that's why this editing of his is so funny! I believe in giving people credit for their work so I will provide editing information whenever I believe it is due. When a person does good work, they should be proud of it and hold it up for all to see. I will help him. :)

Maybe some can get good examples of how not to review material if they ever get in positions of authority.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
2 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - I've witnessed this personally for going on 7 years now. ADMIN states it has nothing to do with Broom's (codename: Foxtail!) personal opinions and everything to do with RP "norms". I threw the BS flag on that one years ago (personal foul: 15 yards for lying to the RP masses) when it became quite apparent that if a Righty posts it, the tags will be changed, but if a Leftie posts it, anything and everything is fair game and use as many tags as you want.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 y
PO1 John Johnson - Had a two day argument with several admins and only one agreed with me that it was out of line. They told me that I started the personal attacks when I addressed the issue not the person. When I cut and pasted my comments they said well alter you instigated and whe I posted my comments again to show them that I only went after the individual when they first made it personal...crickets! He willchage things to suit his needs and hide behind the admin badge. Also when I complained and reported someone all of the sudden my posts got changed more and more in retaliation for "questioning the authority. Yep he has his agenda and if you are leaning right he will tar and feather you.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - You did better than I did. All I ever got was LTC Broom threating to take points away, and other standings on RP to include freezing my account. What a funny threat, I couldn't even tell you how many points I have, don't know, don't care. If he throws me off RP he won't have succeeded in much. :)
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SPC Kevin Ford
The majority religion is under attack? I haven't felt attacked. The only people I've seen that really seem to think they are under attack are those that are unhappy they can't use their religion to discriminate on other people and violate their rights.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - I don't see any attacks on RP, I see some people posting stuff about why they don't believe. But that's all in the free exchange of ideas. Christians criticize people with other beliefs, people with other beliefs criticize Christians. Heck, I see Christians criticizing other Christians over their beliefs. If we consider that being under attack, they yeah we are probably all attacking each other.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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2 y
SPC Kevin Ford - All the cute cartoons and sayings that ridicule Christian beliefs that Rally Point Members post? You haven’t seen them? I am sorry this is where we have to part ways. I wish you well. Either you purposely don’t look, or you are being disingenuous.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - I doubt my feed looks like yours as I doubt I'm following all the same topics as you.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 y
Kevin...I willsay this. When I have posted Christian topics I have been attacked but then I started blocking all of those that came after me making it personal and now I don't have to deal with them.
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