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Responses: 1
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Legitimate military targets of an illegitimate invasion? Guess we are all lucky you were not around when the U.S. was fighting for its freedom.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
2 y
Since before the invasion of the Crimea in 2014, Ukraine and Russia have been in armed conflict which invokes the Geneva Conventions. Illegitimate invasion? From whose perspective? Ukraine had been part of Russia/Soviet Union for over 500 years until 1991. Ethnic Russians were trapped within the boundaries of Ukraine, which oppressed them, forbid them to speak Russian, and made them second and third class citizens. Finally, Ukraine refused to negotiate in good faith the fate of these areas and people. Instead, they chose suicide, for their people and infrastructure, betting (correctly so far) that SUCKERS like the US and NATO countries would come running to their rescue with over ten times the amount of military aid than they could possibly use themselves. Telling civilians to pick up military weapons and use illegal weapons on opposing soldiers is UNLAWFUL according to the Law of War and Geneva Conventions. And the bloodshed continues so that the corrupt money laundering scheme can continue - at the expense of the innocent.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Holy crap! You have entirely bought into the Russian narrative, as if Putin himself were paying you to spread his propaganda. You know, a large part of the US was part of England until around 1776, and a part of Mexico until about the mid 1800s. Perhaps you feel that is sufficient justification for England or Mexico to launch an attack on the United States?

Yes, it is a very good thing you were not around when the U.S. was fighting for its independence. But I am sure you would make a good Officer.... in the Russian army anyway.
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