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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
And that impacts global climate
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
2 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown Big Time! Sulfur Dioxide, Mother Nature's Air Conditioning!
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 y
Remember that 2015 eruption where the ash shut down flights to Europe for a time?
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/09/ [login to see] 2.htm
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SGT Mary G. Mother Nature Fighting Back against Climate Change. Sulfur Dioxide, Instant Global Cooling. Memories of Mt Pinatubo for Me. Impressive to Watch at a Distance. Next Time I don't want to be that Close. Although the JMUC I got out of the Deal is Pretty Cool! LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YwYEPgJrfA
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 y
Remind us PO1 William "Chip" Nagel . . . did you help with evacuation during Pinatubo? I recall you were near by and participated in some way . . .
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Excellent video (music too). Really does a good job of describing what it was like to be there. As a dilettante uncredentialed geologist being that close to an eruption is only a dream.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
2 y
SGT Mary G. - I was there to Meet Up with USS Arkansas to go TAD to Desert Storm. USS Arkansas took refugees from Clark AFB to Cebu for Airlift.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 y
I only vaguely recall that eruption because it was during the first year I was learning to deal with the constant pain that would be with me for nearly 30 years, from an injury early on in the military. (I should have gone to a chiropractor initially, which could have prevented it, entirely . . . no chiropractic treatments at base VA hospitals at the time.) It was difficult to adjust to because of being aggravated by most normal movement. As a result, I truly knew very little about how devastating Pinatubo was to life in the Philippines at the time, even though I had developed a dyed in the wool interest in earning a geology degree close to two years earlier. Only later learned more about the effects on weather patterns and temperatures.
Clearly, PO1 William "Chip" Nagel your Pinatubo time and experience, and the devastation caused, will never be forgotten.
It can be mind boggling to imagine that volcanic goings on like that, all around the planet, along with less explosive eruptions like Hawaiian volcanoes - during a time that lasted for more eons than we know - created all of the oceanic and terrestrial crust on all the rocky planets; that long-term ongoing volcanism (during the Hadeon) probably changed the course of developing earliest life on the planet, caused mass extinctions of early life several times, and contributed to the type of life and ways that life eventually took hold on earth.
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