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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Absolutely; and I hope Manchin is paid back next time...there's a tax on coal so this really bites for West Virginia
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Manchin has betrayed his people. I hope whatever perks he bargained for to pay his state off is enough because people have a long memory.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
We deserve it for putting these people in charge. Look at history, it keeps repeating and no one seems to notice.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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These people will say or do anything to get their way.
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SPC Kevin Ford
I'm sure there is an economist that says that, likely more than one. I'm pretty sure I can find some economists that will say it's not so certain and is good.

Those on the right will claim it is bad, those on the left will claim it is good.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Never cheery pick professionals who give a general opinion without giving their numbers. We have learned over the years people, and professionals for that matter, will currently say whatever suits their immediate interest. Here is a fair estimate "that lists all the facts and assumptions that go into it along with their numbers". I tend to trust evaluations like this until I see serious flaws in their mythology and numbers. I gave this a quick read through, and the numbers look legitimate to me. The Economic Effects and Revenue Effects portions of the evaluation spell out what it all means the most in my opinion.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - Here is the CBO's take on it. Note, they don't measure inflation, just budget impact.


What I've read is that at best it will barely reduce inflation. Most of these bills are named for PR reasons.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SPC Kevin Ford - Wow! A lot of numbers provided without good explanation, in a format that is difficult to compare, partly because everything is spread out over too many pages for me to follow. I am sure it's accurate but provided in a format that gives something to everyone to talk about.

Taking you statement at face value that this bill will barely reduce inflation then we should take the "Do Nothing Alternative". When I used to calculate honest coat alternatives of major infostructure projects we always had to compare the "repair" and "do nothing" alternative. It didn't happen often but sometimes the do nothing won, it's not usually what the politicians and a handful of special interests want to hear. In our case, why take a chance on major tax increases for no benefit? To me it just doesn't make any sense.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - If the real reason to enact this law were strictly to reduce inflation, I'd agree with you. In fact, due to the very volatile nature of inflation, any bill that claims to bring it down over an extended period of time is already suspect.

Of course, that is all branding. The real reason to do or not to do this legislation has very little to do with inflation.
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