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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
There's a difference between encouragement and pushing people past the limits...
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
2 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown In other words, know when to say when. A person can only do so much and everyone's "so much" is different.
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Cpl Vic Burk
SFC William Farrell I read the story previously and agree that if the Drill Instructor had listened to the recruits this could have been avoided. Back when I was in boot camp nobody went to sick call unless you were practically dying. For to do so would elicit name calling and ridicule from the Drill Instructors that you were a "f--king pussy" among other things. In all my time in boot camp I only went to sick call once and that was by a direct order so they would put me on double ration at the chow hall.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - I hope you're compensated for your back Carl.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
SFC William Farrell - No, still nothing, I've been trying since 1991, last I heard from the VA was 2020, and they said denied. To tell you the truth, I give up, the VA won.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - That's what they want you to do. Find a lawyer!
Sgt (Join to see) Being that you were a commander of a DAV can you shed any light to help Brother Carl?
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
Cpl Vic Burk - Thank you my brother.
We on Guam know what the problem is, Guam has not been allowed to have it's own main VA office. Hawaii VA office handles Guam, they never really cared about the veterans on Guam, why should they, not their island.
One night a 2045hrs Friday, I received a call from Hawaii VA, they said that I have a medical check-up for my claim, and my appointment will be the next day at 0700hrs.

I said, sure, where, VA Rep said, Tripuler Hospital Hawaii.
I then sand, you do realize that I'm on Guam, and you want me to be there tomorrow morning? There's things I need to do to get to Hawaii, like get a ticket, the money to be in Hawaii, arranged things to be taken cared at home.
The VA Rep then said, if you're not there at the scheduled time, we'll put as a no show. I then told him I can't make the appointment, he hung up.

A good Vietnam vet friend on Guam, had been claiming about his back for 11 years on Guam. Always being denied, twice he had two go to Hawaii for the medical checkup, denied.
He told me, he's going to try in Arizona, his brother ask him to move in with him, 2009, he move to Arizona.
So, 11 years on Guam trying with no results, going through Hawaii VA, and 3 months in Arizona, with the same claim, it got approved.

My wife asked me to move to Arizona, so I can do my claim, but I decided not to, my land that was given to me by my father, is where he grew up, in his grandfather's house. I promised my great grandfather in prayers, That I will take care of his land, and I will, no matter what.
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MAJ Bob Miyagishima
I read the story. I was a Company Commander of a BCT Army Company at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri from March 85 to May 87. I had a Senior Drill Sergeant that was a bit headstrong. I also had a Battalion Commander that said that his Company Commander's would be at all training at least 50% of the training day. In 1985 we had a wet-bulb humidity indicator that we kept at training with us at all times. One of the drills would be in the exact uniform and equipment as the trainees during training as a human wet-bulb indicator. I was fortunate that I survived 26 months in command with no serious training injury in my Company. I, however went through three First Sergeants. My first First Sergeant was R.O.A.D., my second First Sergeant was incompetent, and my third First Sergeant was a SFC who had been promoted to Master Sergeant/First Sergeant and stayed with me the longest. In fact he was my Senior Drill Sergeant prior to becoming my First Sergeant. Being in command was the single most rewarding position that I was assigned and treasured until my time was up.
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
2 y
Oh, I would have known the personality of my Senior Drill prior to any significant incident and would have monitored him with vigor and relieved him if necessary.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
2 y
MAJ Bob Miyagishima Forgive my ignorance but what is ROAD? Thanks for your candid response.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
2 y
SFC William Farrell - Retired On Active Duty
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
2 y
MAJ Byron Oyler yes, HE WAS RETIRED ON ACTIVE DUTY. He like to go early in the morning to the mess hall and B.S. with the drills, drink coffee in the only room all day long and B.S. with the Training Sergeant. The Training Sergeant usually stayed an hour or two after hours to finish his work because the First Sergeant wouldn't let him work. I barely met the suspense date for printing of my training schedules. I had enough of that and went to the Battalion CSM and told him the 1SG had to go. He found a spot for him in S3 Battalion HQ until he put in his paperwork for retirement. Because I had to let go of my first First Sergeant, the BN CSM observed my second First Sergeant after I went to him as well. My CSM thought I just couldn't get along with anybody but after 2 weeks of direct observation he found a spot for my second First Sergeant in Brigade HQs after talking with the Brigade CSM. He said I can't afford to give you another First Sergeant and I told him that my SFC was up for promotion and I would take him as an acting First Sergeant until his promotion became official, which ended up happening. So the second relief of my First Sergeant was not an official relief, he was just like a transfer and the first First Sergeant was just a retirement on paper so no actual relief for cause ever really happened.
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