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Responses: 3
Sgt Print Journalist
Edited >1 y ago
Good article MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Two of the important takeaways mentioned:
“In 1973, an activist court invented a right to abortion, which it located in the First Amendment [[somehow]]. The words “abortion,” “choice” and “privacy” appear nowhere in the Constitution. Roe v. Wade was a piece of judicial prestidigitation.Now, justices who are faithful to the intent of the framers have righted a very great wrong that resulted in over 63 million deaths in 49 years.”

“Conservatives take disappointment better than lefties. When Biden signed another worthless gun control law last week, where were the NRA members rioting in the streets and trying to storm the White House? When conservatives are disgruntled, they write letters to the editor. Lefties have hissy fits in public places.”

I’m just utterly astounded at how a large group of people in the United States are besides themselves that there is no longer have free reign to kill theirs or other’s children. Utter depravity.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
Exactly so.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
>1 y
Sgt Ann Cecil I agree completely with your great response
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CPT Lawrence Cable
Just a point, Roe was about "Substantive Due Process" and "Right to Privacy", neither of which are mentioned in the Constitution. Loving and Hodges were about Equal Treatment Under the Law and Due Process. Those arguments are pretty easy to justify in the Constitution, whether you agree with it or not.
My gut feeling is that the Pro Life People need to take their ball and go home on a win. I see no good reason or widespread support for restricting contraceptives or same sex marriage.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
>1 y
A woman owns her own body and, not the Government or pro-life campaigners. A woman has the right to decide whether she is ready to mother a child or not. A woman must have the right to make decisions about her own body without worrying about consequences, like a court battle.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - Well, to give the other side, if she has that child, the State is more than happy to put the Father into debt bondage until that child is 18 or out of college. If society has the right to force an unwilling father to pay for that child, then maybe the right to dictate when a woman can legally abort a child exists also.
In today's world with easy access to contraceptives, getting pregnant is simply carelessness. Even if you don't want to take them all the time, you don't need a prescription for Plan B contraceptives, and they are over the counter at any drugstore.
SGT Steve McFarland
SGT Steve McFarland
>1 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana 99% of women had that choice BEFORE they got pregnant. They need to think BEFORE they have sex, not afterwards.
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SPC Lyle Montgomery
These 8 takeaways were a great read. I have always been a Pro life Catholic. A person dosen't need to be a genious to understand that abortion is murder. These Pro abortion supporters are advocating murder and those who have abortion are murderers, plain and simple. The Row vs. Wade reversal is a good start but more needs to be done to protect the unborn.
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