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Responses: 4
1LT Vance Titus
There is all a law on the books making it illegal to picket, protest, etc. outside the homes of federal judges. Just enforce existing law!
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
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1LT Vance Titus Exactly. Just like we say for school shootings.
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SP5 Dennis Loberger
There is little doubt that criminals are more likely to be liberal than conservative. While neither are devoid of then, lately, at least, violent crimes seem to be committed by conservatives more than liberals. There are laws protecting Judges. They are the same laws protecting the rest of us. When we have laws against murder do we need a law against murdering a judge? Any law created to protect judges should also include the rest of us, they should not be duplicative
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Actually I believe the law is against trying to influence the ruling of a city, it protects not only the judge but jurors and anyone else connected to a law judgement.
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SPC Kevin Ford
No one should threaten a member of our federal government like this. Having said that, we don't even do anything when a bunch of grade schoolers are killed. Why would with think Congress would do anything about this?

About the only reason people in power may care about this is that it is other people in power who are at risk. Whatever bill they pass to protect the justices, it should be the same bill to protect the rest of us.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Words of wisdom. Thank you. They want to ban high-capacity magazines, then ban them from their bodyguards first. Leave the rest of us alone.
SSgt Owner/Operator
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SSgt (Join to see) - Schumer is the quintessential partisan Progressive Democrat hack AND hatchet man. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he has sucked at the teat of government his entire life.

I can respect an honest hatchet man because they do what they have to and move on, one can be a hatchet man and be honest. Schumer is not honest, he has been caught in lie after lie on the Senate Floor, probably the biggest is that he had personal evidence against President Trump about him being a Russian Agent. Now on one hand he tries to dig dirt on the January 6th hearing, while on the other hand incites others to violence against the SCOTUS.

I can’t understand how Schumer can sleep at night. He is not right in the head; they probably have a medical name for it I’m not aware of. Just looking at him makes me feel like I need to take a shower
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