Posted on Jun 8, 2022
Report: Soros Prosecutors Run Half of America's Largest Jurisdictions - Washington Free Beacon
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
But.. butbutbutbutbut.... But it is the mean, nasty GOP who has too much money in politics. They have all the BAD money.
Shows what money can do. You have to wonder what the electorate thinks about this.
Lt Col Charlie Brown - When the likes of a George Soros can control some 75 plus reform Prosecutors, what chance does the average person on the street have? Virtually no chance... Our system of government is being devoured before our very eyes! The sad part about it is that there aren't enough citizens willing to take a stand against what Soros and others like him are doing to the freedom of mankind on a GLOBAL basis... We are now followers, no longer leaders, because we let the fox into the Henhouse! When does it stop, when will people of all political parties stand tall and say... "Enough is Enough"!!! Then do something about it!
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