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Responses: 8
MSG Roy Cheever
Another Pocahantis?
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Capt Gregory Prickett - Sir, I would like to expand on your correction. Perhaps you should keep in mind that specific racial slur is the title of a Disney film considered a blockbuster at release, and it's a far cry from naming an NFL team a word I'm afraid to even type on here, for 103 years, in the United States capital. I agree though, the language is unhelpful when trying to present conservative political philosophy and identity as non-racist.

On the subject of ethnicity, if Representative Ocasio-Cortez's ancestors originate from central and South America, she would be Latino or Latina (feminine conjugation) as she herself has stated in the past, not Hispanic. If she is a descendant of Taíno, central or South American natives, First Nations peoples, or some combination thereof, the only ethnicity that would be misleading is Hispanic (unless she knows something we don't or she doesn't know for sure herself). Anthropology is far from a clear cut social science, the Gracie family in Brazil has it's origins in Scotland and traditionally speak Portuguese, what box would you put them in?

In general, the watered-down breakdown is as follows:

Latino - Descendant ancestry primarily consisting of Spanish speaking or non-Spanish speaking Latin American natives.

Hispanic - Descendant ancestry primarily consisting of Spanish speaking Latin American non-natives.

First Nations Peoples/American Indian - Descendant ancestry primarily consisting of members from post-ice age, precolonial, North American tribal nations. BONUS - Suspected to be of Eurasian origin, with all migration completed prior to the 13th BC Millennium.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SPC Colin Ahasay - And that affects the racist comments how? As for AOC, it was my understanding that her family is from PR, and I didn't look further than that.
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Capt Gregory Prickett - Doesn't affect it all, sir. The language is disruptive to cohesion, I thought I conceded that point. I don't know if it's downvote worthy, but that's not my call.

The rest is food for thought and information. Words defining ethnic identification are not interchangeable, and some people get really upset when they are used in the wrong situation.

Appreciate the dialogue, wasn't expecting it.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
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“Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Capt Gregory Prickett
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Maj Robert Thornton
We still have Liz Warren! LMAO
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
She's a science believer. Perhaps a gofundme page for a DNA test? WAG - with Hispanics (whatever that is) fleeing the Dems, is she looking for a new identity?
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The Lakota, Chief - I think she's positioning for a piece of future lawsuits.


Oil pipeline protests are just a way to get skin in the game. Stupid move or not, an oil pipeline in the Dakota's will affect a house rep from NYC very little. When I dig up stuff like this, I start to wonder how many of these politicians are good faith actors?

After all, these articles came out three days apart, and lawyers don't usually work for free.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
Good point
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
Exactly. SPC Colin Ahasay
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