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Responses: 2
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited >1 y ago
Quite Frankly MAJOR,
This Does NOT Surprise Me In The Least, I'm Talking ZERO, Nada, Zippo,!!
Having Lived Over Seas For Awhile And Had Some Actual Education In Their Schools;
The One Thing I DID Learn, Among Several Others, Is That WE,
The American Public In General,
Are One Large Group Of Uneducated IDIOTS.
We Must Have Been Issued ONE Brain & Been Sub-Dividing It Ever Sense.
If I Offend Some Of You, Tough Shit....Because It's The Absolute Truth.
Our Education Is Horrible, If It Exists At All; And Upon Graduation From BOTH High School & Most Colleges, We're Very Close To Being Unemployable In The Fields We Studied...
Here's Just A Couple Of Questions To Ask Yourselves:
#1....Having To Deal Basically, With Just High School Grads.
........."During Your 13 Yeas Of Schooling,
Did ANY Of You Even Learn To Balance Your Own Check Book"?
You College Grads, Upon Receiving Your Degrees, Can Ask Yourselves That Same Question..
#2... How About Money & The Proper Use OF It. Any Classes In Investing.?,
How About Even KNOWING Whether Or Not You Should Buy Or Rent A Home; And WHY?
I'll Bet, Unless You Took Elective Business Programs, You Don't Know SHIT About ANY Of Those Things.
I'll Stop At This Point Because It REALLY Pizzes Me Off About Out How Absolutely Totally USELESS Our Schools Are. ...And We're Paying For It; Both Educationally & Financially.....It Really SUCKS.!!
PS.... I'm About 100% SELF Educated Because I Needed An Education And Had To LEAVE School To Get It....
I Walked Out Mid 9th Grade With Not One Regret Since; & Retired At 56 As A Side Benefit.
If You'd Like To Ask Me About These Comments, PLEASE DO..!!
Even E.mail Me At ( [login to see] .) ,,,,If You'd Like To Jump Down My Throat, I'll Explain These Things As Long As It Takes, Until I Make Myself Understood, Or Die Making The Effort.
MSG Roy Cheever
MSG Roy Cheever
>1 y
Right on point as far as I’m concerned. And thank you, I do believe I agree with just about everything you said there.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
Absolutely correct. Most folks don't understand economics and don't understand anything about running a business. Unfortunately, many people also don't know how to properly use a banking account, nor maintain a proper record of their bank balance. Some of my younger soldiers actually believed that they still had money in their checking account so long as they had checks to write. Just look around at how many people use prepaid debit cards instead of a normal bank account. It is very sad.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - ....And MSG Roy Cheever
Pretty Damned Sad, Huh?
Note: Those Individuals Whom Have Neither A Checking Account, Nor A Savings Account, Are Always In Need Of Additional Finances,.. WHY? Because They Can Notice On Wednesday They Have Some Money Left From Their Previous Paycheck And Know It Can Be Spent, Because The Next Pay Check Is Only 2 Days Away.
This Causes Them To Be Renters All Of Their Lives Because They've Never Been Able To Have Enough Money To Buy Their Own Home, Partially Resulting To Them Retiring In Poverty. It Took The System 13 Years To Teach Them NOTHING Of Much Use In Their Lives.
We Can Thank Our Lack-Of-Education System For Contributing To Their Ignorance..
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Great furniture sales Memorial Day weekend.
Grandpa has a truck.
Grandpa is a Veteran.
Bringing furniture home lets people see the Vietnam bumper stickers and remember past sacrifices.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
My Favorite And Only Section I Love Is: "...people see the Vietnam bumper stickers and remember past sacrifices."
I See The Rest Of It To Be No More Than "Taking Advantage Of We Vets For Commercialism"..
In My Single Word Reply Is, "Fug'em"; Those Folks Only Pizz Me Off..
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