Posted on May 21, 2022
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
So much of this was easy to see and easy to understand what was coming. The formula shortage took a couple of months to fester and was ignored. The FDA wouldn’t allow Abbot to reopen the Sturgis plant despite no contamination and situations the FDA didn’t like being remedied. Biden initially, even while campaigning declared war on fossil fuels. No fracking on federal land, cancelled leases, and general hostility to oil companies. Pushing bail out spending has helped lead to inflation. Not mentioned s the disastrous Afghanistan pull out, spiraling inflation, and Easter European conflict swallowing US military equipment and dollars. We may be facing an equipment shortage as we depleat our stores to help the Ukraine. People losing confidence in the government has lead to a loss of faith in America.
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