Posted on May 14, 2022
Remote Learning Was Worse for Kids Than We Thought
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
Thank the Democrats this November for stealing an election and installing a cognitively challenged, money laundering puppet that was a willing accomplice to election fraud. For all practical purposes, Obama is enjoying his third term in office. The debacle in Afghanistan has his signature all over it. How Gen Milley can stand with a straight face and defend pulling out and leaving all those people behind is beyond me. It's unthinkable! Why did he not resign in disgrace over that? How does he still have a job?!!
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone with a pulse would vote for ANY Democrat. Whatever the Party was when JFK was President has been replaced by Socialists hell-bent on using America to help them stand up their New World Order. And it goes without saying that they fancy themselves as the political ruling class governing the entire planet.
The Democrats have totally embraced Progressive Democratic Socialism calling it the future of the Party (and by extension this country if they're running it and right now they are). They claim that they have the best solution because it is Progressive and Democratic but in truth, it is neither. Those who do things in secret and seek to silence the voices of those who oppose them aren't very confident that they have the best solutions for the country. It's not Progress when your economy is contracting and it's not Democratic when you suppress the free speech of the opposition and rig elections (denying the majority their voting rights). Need I say more?
The Democrats claim to be transparent but they are not. They claim to be for the people but they are not. They are hell-bent on wrecking this country's economy for their own political gain. They have been rigging elections at all levels of government for decades -- because it works and they keep getting away with it. The masterminds are never held accountable! Trump was popularly elected in 2016 and won an election rigged against him because he got so many votes that it broke the algorithm the Democrats were using to cheat. In 2020, Trump lost because the Democrats adjusted their strategy and used mail-in ballots, and procedures for counting that were forensically destructive so that it made it much more difficult to prove election fraud. They then stopped the vote counts and figured out how many votes they needed to inject to give Biden the victory and in the wee hours of the morning Trump's lead vanished and the lamestream media proclaimed Joe the winner.
The evidence of fraud is everywhere but the media keeps saying there isn't any -- as if the testimony of 1,000 plus poll watchers and poll workers who swore affidavits attesting to actions taken by Democrats to prevent them from doing their jobs observing as well as other procedural anomalies [whose only rational explanation is election fraud] does not constitute evidence! The Democrats kept destroying direct evidence and saying that Trump can't prove he won the election. To be fair, Biden can't prove he won either (because the number of ballots that can't be validated far exceeds Biden's narrow margin of victory in the contested states), but the press doesn't seem to care about that.
The movie 2000 Mules exposes the Democrats' cheating and proves (using circumstantial evidence in the form of cell phone GPS data and security camera video) that the Democrats engaged in ballot harvesting and used drop boxes to commit election fraud on a massive scale, using COVID as cover and mail-in ballots which they sent to PO Boxes, empty lots, dead people's residences, etc. Not counting any of the other methods the Democrats used to cheat, what investigators discovered was that the mules they identified by phone records dropped enough ballots to swing the election.
Mail-in ballots, which were a bad idea from the start, facilitated fraud because unlike absentee ballots, (which have a chain of custody and must be requested in advance), the mail-in ballots were sent out to bogus addresses that had no physical location (i.e., empty lots and PO Boxes), as well as to nursing homes where volunteers would fill them in for the patients and harvest them to be dropped off by mules at drop box locations, that were set up illegally but nobody seems to care. Mail-in ballots have no chain of custody and with the forensically destructive counting procedures, once the ballot was separated from the envelope, there is no way of determining if the ballot was cast by the person whose name appears on the ballot. There were more mail-in ballots than envelopes... and they were destroying the envelopes. Now why would they want to do that? We simply have no way of knowing who voted and the lamestream media called it the most secure election in American history? LOL Small wonder people no longer trust the media. They have only themselves to blame for their awful reputation.
My aunt, who is a widow and lives by herself, received four ballots in the mail. Two for her and two for her deceased husband. She threw them away and voted in person. That's but one example of many. While I was standing in line to vote, a person in front of me was told that they already voted and they were taken aback. They had to go to court to petition for the right to vote and had to inconvenience themselves to cast provisional ballots that would only be counted if the election was close.
The entire world knows that Biden didn't win and IS NOT LEGIT! Foreign news services call Biden an international disgrace. Surely our military must know Biden is a willing accomplice to the election fraud that swung the election to him, yet nothing is done. WHY? ??!! What happened to the oaths we swore to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies - foreign AND DOMESTIC?!!
When our government falls down and can't keep its oath, if not the military then who can the people turn to to seek redress? Must we look to Egypt when the military stepped aside and allowed the people to rise up and restore Democratic control of their government -- when the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood they elected started doing its own thing and pursuing its own agenda? What happened to us?
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone with a pulse would vote for ANY Democrat. Whatever the Party was when JFK was President has been replaced by Socialists hell-bent on using America to help them stand up their New World Order. And it goes without saying that they fancy themselves as the political ruling class governing the entire planet.
The Democrats have totally embraced Progressive Democratic Socialism calling it the future of the Party (and by extension this country if they're running it and right now they are). They claim that they have the best solution because it is Progressive and Democratic but in truth, it is neither. Those who do things in secret and seek to silence the voices of those who oppose them aren't very confident that they have the best solutions for the country. It's not Progress when your economy is contracting and it's not Democratic when you suppress the free speech of the opposition and rig elections (denying the majority their voting rights). Need I say more?
The Democrats claim to be transparent but they are not. They claim to be for the people but they are not. They are hell-bent on wrecking this country's economy for their own political gain. They have been rigging elections at all levels of government for decades -- because it works and they keep getting away with it. The masterminds are never held accountable! Trump was popularly elected in 2016 and won an election rigged against him because he got so many votes that it broke the algorithm the Democrats were using to cheat. In 2020, Trump lost because the Democrats adjusted their strategy and used mail-in ballots, and procedures for counting that were forensically destructive so that it made it much more difficult to prove election fraud. They then stopped the vote counts and figured out how many votes they needed to inject to give Biden the victory and in the wee hours of the morning Trump's lead vanished and the lamestream media proclaimed Joe the winner.
The evidence of fraud is everywhere but the media keeps saying there isn't any -- as if the testimony of 1,000 plus poll watchers and poll workers who swore affidavits attesting to actions taken by Democrats to prevent them from doing their jobs observing as well as other procedural anomalies [whose only rational explanation is election fraud] does not constitute evidence! The Democrats kept destroying direct evidence and saying that Trump can't prove he won the election. To be fair, Biden can't prove he won either (because the number of ballots that can't be validated far exceeds Biden's narrow margin of victory in the contested states), but the press doesn't seem to care about that.
The movie 2000 Mules exposes the Democrats' cheating and proves (using circumstantial evidence in the form of cell phone GPS data and security camera video) that the Democrats engaged in ballot harvesting and used drop boxes to commit election fraud on a massive scale, using COVID as cover and mail-in ballots which they sent to PO Boxes, empty lots, dead people's residences, etc. Not counting any of the other methods the Democrats used to cheat, what investigators discovered was that the mules they identified by phone records dropped enough ballots to swing the election.
Mail-in ballots, which were a bad idea from the start, facilitated fraud because unlike absentee ballots, (which have a chain of custody and must be requested in advance), the mail-in ballots were sent out to bogus addresses that had no physical location (i.e., empty lots and PO Boxes), as well as to nursing homes where volunteers would fill them in for the patients and harvest them to be dropped off by mules at drop box locations, that were set up illegally but nobody seems to care. Mail-in ballots have no chain of custody and with the forensically destructive counting procedures, once the ballot was separated from the envelope, there is no way of determining if the ballot was cast by the person whose name appears on the ballot. There were more mail-in ballots than envelopes... and they were destroying the envelopes. Now why would they want to do that? We simply have no way of knowing who voted and the lamestream media called it the most secure election in American history? LOL Small wonder people no longer trust the media. They have only themselves to blame for their awful reputation.
My aunt, who is a widow and lives by herself, received four ballots in the mail. Two for her and two for her deceased husband. She threw them away and voted in person. That's but one example of many. While I was standing in line to vote, a person in front of me was told that they already voted and they were taken aback. They had to go to court to petition for the right to vote and had to inconvenience themselves to cast provisional ballots that would only be counted if the election was close.
The entire world knows that Biden didn't win and IS NOT LEGIT! Foreign news services call Biden an international disgrace. Surely our military must know Biden is a willing accomplice to the election fraud that swung the election to him, yet nothing is done. WHY? ??!! What happened to the oaths we swore to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies - foreign AND DOMESTIC?!!
When our government falls down and can't keep its oath, if not the military then who can the people turn to to seek redress? Must we look to Egypt when the military stepped aside and allowed the people to rise up and restore Democratic control of their government -- when the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood they elected started doing its own thing and pursuing its own agenda? What happened to us?
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Always amazes me how Republicans keep blaming Democrats for what they installed in 2016.
Capt Jeff S.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - Nobody is blaming Democrats for the election result of 2016. Trump won despite the election being rigged against him. So many people voted for Trump that they broke the algorithm. In 2020, the Democrats came prepared and pulled out all stops. They used COVID as cover to justify Mail-In ballots, which were the key to their stealing the election.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Capt Jeff S. Ahh, you do realize that Clinton got more votes than Trump don't you? Please explain fully how mail in ballots steal an election, I'm not talking repeating Fox and OAN, I just want to know how you can really buy that.
You don't need a Harvard education to figure that out. Heck even here in a relatively large metropolitan area many still do not have internet access at home. But comparing rural areas that didn't go remote to metropolitan areas that did is like comparing apples to oranges. With an airborne virus remote places like North Dakota had a far lower possibility of transmission than densely populated areas like California.
My grandson had no problems with the remote learning, his dad, mom and step mother all have degrees from college and helped him when he needed it, which is rarely, he's one smart kid Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
There's the key, help from concerned parents. Two of my grandsons were like night and day, one took to remote easily while the other tried to shrug it off. If my daughter hadn't stayed on top of the shrugger he would have fallen behind. Now put that into the context of today's society where many parents have little to no interaction with their kids.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - He's thinking of being a CAD designer sir.
SFC Casey O'Mally
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - In addition to willingness, sir, you also have to look at ability. Sure, I can help Johnny with his homework when I get home from work. But how many households can afford to have an educated person (i.e. one who is knowledgeable enough to help their kid understand their lessons, because staying after class or going in early for extra help from teacher - or catching up in study hall - is no longer an option) stay home? That educated individual (or both educated individuals) are probably busy putting food on the table - and paying off their own education.
Many parents, even those with the best of intentions and the strongest desire to support and develop their kids, were forced to choose between Johnny's academic development and keeping a roof over Johnny's head.
Many parents, even those with the best of intentions and the strongest desire to support and develop their kids, were forced to choose between Johnny's academic development and keeping a roof over Johnny's head.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Good occupation, I took drafting all through high school, long before CAD existed, and loved it. Actually looked at architecture when I started looking at colleges but then discovered how much advanced math I'd need.
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